13. Going home

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Ohm had never been so nervous

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Ohm had never been so nervous. "Should I have bought something more for your mom? All I have are these flowers."

Mick found him equal parts adorable and funny. "I told you, there was no need to get her anything. Like I said, mom is fine with us, it'll be alright."

"I've never met the parents of someone I love, obviously. What if she doesn't like me?"

"P'Ohm, she liked you already back then. When my dad found out and was screaming at me, she tried to stop him. She told him that you were a good boy, and that you were a good influence on me."

"She said that?"

"Mmm. Then all that happened," Mick said and flapped his hand dismissively, "and I blamed her for not doing more to stop my dad. It took me a long time to realise it, but she was almost as helpless as I was." Mick shook himself and turned to the front door. His mom had asked them to come over for dinner on Sunday night, when Mick called her that morning. 

Knowing that they were going to spend their first night apart, Ohm had colored half of two hearts in red, with a quote from a movie he had seen. He didn't know how he would manage to be apart from Mick so soon after they were re-united.

Mick's house was a half an hour walk from Ohm's condo and they had walked over on Sunday afternoon, only to find Ohm's nerves getting the better of him.

Before Ohm was ready, Mick opened the door. "Mom, we're here!" They took off their shoes, and waited in the small parlour.

Ohm's mom came from the kitchen, wiping her hands on her apron. Mick stood next to Ohm, his arm around the taller boy, his face alight with a huge smile, his heart in his eyes.

Mick's mom touched her heart, her eyes on her son's face. "Oh Mick," she said, grabbed him and hugged him tight. She pulled away to look at his happy, shining face and kissed his brow.

Then she turned to Ohm, who hastily put the flowers he had bought on a side table and gave her a nervous wai. "Sawadee khrub, auntie."

"There's no need for formality, darling boy," she said and hugged him tightly. Ohm sagged with relief and hugged her back.

When Mick's mom pulled apart, she grabbed Ohm's hands, her eyes overflowing with tears. It took her a few tries to get the words out. "I didn't see my son smile for over two years."


"Hush now," she said to her son, and turned back to Ohm. "Thank you, Ohm. Thank you for loving my son, and giving him his smile back."

Ohm looked everywhere but Mick's mom, blinking rapidly in an effort to keep the tears from falling, but failed.

"Oh, come here," Mick's mom said, and pulled both boys into a tight hug. "And call me mom, dear Ohm."

Mick's mom had cooked a real feast for them, and the two growing boys fell on it. Mick's mom watched them fondly as they ate their way through it all, making ecstatic noises at how good everything was. When all the food was gone, the two leaned back in their chairs, and heaved a joint sigh of satisfaction. They all burst into laughter.

During their dinner they had been making pleasant conversation, and avoided talking about the dark two years by unspoken agreement. As Mick had only spent one night in the apartment since they returned, before he went to the university to find Ohm, he asked his mom how it was going.

"Oh, very well. The neighbours seem nice. I've gone to the market with one of them, a divorced lady about my age. Her son goes to the Business School across town. I'm still not used to the noise in Bangkok, though, so I sleep with ear plugs on." Their apartment was on a busy road near the university, whereas their house in the US had been in a quiet gated community.

After dinner, Mom got up and started clearing the table. The boys helped, then they moved to the living room. It was getting late, and Ohm was going back to his condo.

Ohm held onto Mick's hand. "I'll see you tomorrow at the uni," he said. Ohm tried to will his hand to let go, but couldn't. He had only just found Mick again. Parting so soon was harder than he had imagined.

"But where are you going?" Mick's mom asked, coming back from the kitchen.

"Huh?" The boys said simultaneously.

"It's late. Surely you'll stay here for tonight, Ohm? You said you live in a condo, otherwise I would call your parents to let them know."

"Thank you... mom, but I didn't bring my school things," Ohm said, pleased but flustered.

"You can get them in the morning on your way to school. My dear boys, you were cruelly separated for so long. I can't do that to you now. Ohm, you are always welcome to stay here when Mick comes home."

Ohm was overcome again. "Thank you... mom," was all he could say.

"Mick, dear, take Ohm to your room and find him something to wear for the night. You're close enough in size that something of yours should fit. I'll finish tidying up here, and go to bed myself. Oh, and Mick!" She said after them. Mick turned to look at her. "I got you a little present. It's in the bag on your bed."

"You didn't have to mom, but thank you! I'm sure I will love it," Mick said and ran back to give her mom a hug.

Round eyed, but relieved, Ohm followed Mick to his room. When they got to his room, Mick turned to Ohm, his eyes shining with purpose.

"Mick..." Ohm breathed, recognising the look on his face. "Not here, not under you mom's roof. I'm serious!" he yelped when Mick pounced on him.

"Mom knows about us, and it was her idea for you stay the night. I'm sure she's fine with it. Besides, she said she sleeps with ear plugs. She won't hear a thing."

"No, Mick! I'm here as a guest, it wouldn't be right."

Pouting, Mick sat on the bed, and noticed the bag his mom had mentioned. His enthusiasm for her present dampened by Ohm's words, he took the bag and looked inside.

Ohm heard him gasp. "What?"

"I think she's fine with us having sex, P'Ohm," Mick said, his voice shaking, and spilled the contents of the bag on his bed. Ohm's jaw dropped as a selection of different types of condoms and lube poured out, and he collapsed next to Mick on the bed, the strength gone from his knees.

"Your mom got us...?"

Mick nodded, a wide grin spreading on his face. "She's the best! And you can't say no now," he said and pushed Ohm on the bed.

Later that night, Ohm's mom went into the kitchen to get a glass of water. She heard unmistakable sounds of pleasure coming from his son's room and although she had never heard her son in quite that situation, she recognised his voice. She blushed, and hurried back to her room, the last sliver of worry gone from her heart. Her son had chosen his partner well.

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