29. Birthday party

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The big day dawned a little over a week later

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The big day dawned a little over a week later. Phun and Ohm's birthdays were only a few weeks apart, so the birthday was a joint one for all their friends. Most of them were people both knew, anyway. Phun's father had made himself scarce, leaving the house to the boys, with only three caterers Phun's dad had used before keeping an eye on the party.

Mick had met Phun's dad a few times in the past weeks. The first time was when he was coming back with his mom from the weekend at Arm and his family. They had stopped there to look for Ohm, and it had been Phun's father who had opened the door.

"You must be Mick," Phun's dad had said. "Ohm has become like a third son to me in the past two years, and it's good to see him so happy again. I have you to thank." Mick had stuttered something in reply, and Phun's dad had pulled him into a warm hug.

He had invited Mick and his mom in, but Mick had been too much in a hurry to see Ohm to stay.

"Missing your boyfriend, huh? Well, off you go then, but I want you to know that you're always welcome here. It's good for Phun and Noh to have friends over. And you should come by one weekend with your Mom, the garden is cool in the afternoon heat. We can have something to eat together, you boys, your mom and me."

After such a warm welcome, there had been no other option but to accept his kind invitation. The boys and their parents had spent a lovely afternoon together a week earlier, eating far too much, ending the afternoon in a heat and food induced coma under the shady trees.

The birthday party wasn't going to be quite so pleasantly relaxed. People started arriving early afternoon, and they kept coming in throughout the evening. Can had invited his football buddies, all of the music club was there, of course, Rain brought in the photo club, and Cha'Aim had invited all the fun girls she knew, so there was plenty of flirting going around. Kit and Ten were invited as well, of course, and they had invited many younger students. 

There was food enough to feed an army, or a group of young, growing students, games set in different rooms, water games in the pool, supervised by an actual life guard, and to cap it all off, magnificent fireworks to end the evening. Live music was courtesy of the music club, and Ohm and Mick performed together with two acoustic guitars as well. 

Ohm could finally enjoy the joint birthday fully, with Mick at his side. The last two years he had celebrated with Phun were of course marred by Mick's disappearance, and by Phun's mom's passing. Still, Ohm would have been happier if Mick had gotten less attention from other guys, but actually it wasn't as bad as Ohm had expected, at university either. He just assumed it was because Mick and Ohm's relationship was so well known. 

It was a splendid party, but by the end of it Mick was quite exhausted. Fun as it was, he preferred smaller gatherings. They had in fact spent Mick's birthday at his mom's, just having a nicer dinner than usual. It was Mick's eighteenth birthday, but his first with Ohm, so he wanted to only spend the day with Ohm. Ohm had given Mick an acoustic guitar as a present, so that he could have one guitar at his mom's place, and another at the condo.

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