15. Lunch, part 1

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"Mick, no, you will get sore if we do it again

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"Mick, no, you will get sore if we do it again." They were in the shower and things started to heat up again. Mick's mom had already left to go to the morning market, so they had the house to themselves, a situation Mick was determined to take full advantage of.

"I want to, P'Ohm. I want to feel you still inside me, when I sit down in class. Or I won't believe it all happened."


"Get the lube," Mick said, and despite Ohm's firm resolution not to have sex that morning, he ran to fulfil Mick's command.

The sight of Mick, standing under the cascading shower, wet and naked, made Ohm swallow. "You are the sexiest thing I've ever seen," he breathed as he closed the shower cubicle door behind him.

"Hurry," Mick growled and turned around, bracing himself against the wall with his arms and pointing his round behind at Ohm.

"What's gotten into you?" Ohm gasped.

"You," Mick said, turning his burning face up so the water could cool it.

While Ohm rubbed the lube on his aching cock, Mick squirted a glob of the stuff on his fingers and stuck them inside his butt. "I'm ready, P'Ohm," he said and took his fingers out, arching his back.

With a groan, Ohm bent his knees a little and pushed his bare cock inside Mick's tight canal in one slow thrust. "Oh Mick, you feel like heaven." 

Afterwards, when they had recovered their breaths, Ohm washed Mick gently with shaking hands, stopping to scatter kisses all over his face and upper chest. When he reached his fingers between Mick's ass cheeks to wash him there, he could feel hot fluid seeping out.

"Sorry, I forgot the condom," Ohm said.

"It's okay," Mick said, his face flushed, but blissful.

"We don't really need them, anyway, since we're each others' first and only lovers. They just keep things tidier."


Ohm was the first to get dressed, and while Mick finished blow drying his hair, he got ready to leave. They stopped by Ohm's condo, and he grabbed his school things. Just before they went out again, Ohm found the red pen and quickly coloured two hearts on the underside of Mick's wrist. Mick's eyes shone as he looked at it. Ohm took out his phone and snapped a photo. "I will send you the message later, now we have to run or we'll be late."

Even though it was making him late for class, Ohm walked Mick to his class first. They shared a quick kiss, reluctant to part. "I'll see you at lunch, babe, I'll text you the details." Ohm kissed Mick again, his arms clinging to the shorter boy, and had to force himself to let go. He stood and watched until Mick went into the classroom, his face turned to watch Ohm until he was inside. Only then did Ohm leave.

"Late on your first day, young man," the teacher said sternly, as Mick gave her an apologetic wai. "Don't make that a habit. Introduce yourself to the class and then get to your seat." Mick did so, with a red face and then went to a free seat toward the back, seeing curious eyes turning to him as he walked past. He knew that once word got around about him and Ohm, it would only get worse. But a hot balloon of happiness rose in his chest, and he knew it would be alright, as long as he had Ohm.

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