34. Beach trip, part 1

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Mick and Ohm had spent Friday night with Mick's mom, knowing that they might not make it back in time for dinner with her on Sunday night

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Mick and Ohm had spent Friday night with Mick's mom, knowing that they might not make it back in time for dinner with her on Sunday night. The boys had their weekend bags with them, and waited outside for their ride early Saturday morning. Phun and Pond were driving, and the couples split into the two cars. Noh, Mick, and Ohm were in Phun's car with Rain, and Ae, Aepete, Tin and Can hitched a ride with Pond.

Cha'aim, Pond's girlfriend, was supposed to join them, but she had to cancel last minute as her little sister got ill. It wasn't anything serious, but Cha'aim didn't want to leave her alone. Surprisingly, when Rain heard about it, he had invited himself to fill the spare bed. The cabin they were going to stay in had been booked a few weeks ago, so there wasn't room for Pete and Ten, their newest couple. They were in the stage where they wanted privacy, anyway, so Pete had just waved them off on Friday with good grace.

The friends had gotten a good deal on a luxury cabin, situated on the edge of the beach, the last in the row in the small resort. They arrived at the cabin and claimed their rooms with much shouting and arguments. The cabin had a large living room with kitchen in the front, and at the back, along a short corridor, five rooms in a U formation. In the end, Ae and Aepete got the first room on the right, Phun and Noh the one on the left. Mick and Ohm had the corner room on the far wall, next to Ae's room, and Tin and Can the other corner room. The fifth room between them went to Pond, who was sharing with Rain. Luckily the beds in the room were two twins which could be joined together into one large bed, and the two wasted no time splitting them up.

Everybody got changed and headed to the beach in front of their cabin. There were sun loungers under large beach umbrellas, bringing much needed shade under the hot sun. At first, they just chatted and had a few drinks, the sun being still too high to venture on the hot sand. They went back inside to make lunch, and returned back on the beach when the sun was already starting its journey toward the horizon.

Soon, some of the boys wanted to go for a swim, and Mick got up eagerly to join them. Ohm stopped him and they had a hissed argument, which, in the end, Mick won. He usually did, and now that he was still sporting a bruise on his cheek from the fight a few days earlier, Ohm didn't stand a chance.

Mick stripped off his baggy T-shirt and faded shorts which almost reached him to his knees. When he stood there a moment in his bathing trunks, Ohm was lost in the sight. He was pleased again to notice that Mick had put on weight after a few months of eating well and going to the gym with him. Mick was still slim, but no longer thin, and his butt was even more enticing than before. Ohm had to pull a towel on his crotch, and his jealousy flared when he noticed the others staring at Mick running to the waves.

"Fuck, Ohm, did you mistake your boyfriend for a buffet?!" Pond exclaimed.

Ohm had forgotten about Mick's love bites for a moment, even though they stood out clearly against Mick's pale skin. They had been the reason for their argument a moment earlier. They were all over Mick's torso and inside his thighs all the way up, and as short as his swim trunks were, there was one that disappeared partly under them, hinting at more hickeys under his swimsuit.

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