Chapter 15-- Bleeding love

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A-N--heyyy guys :) ummm....sorry for taking so long to upload but anyways here it is and i have tons more to update and will later this week :) but for now

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I dial her number again hoping in vain that she might finally decide to answer. I just don’t get it. Why did she run off like that? I throw my phone on my bed when I reach her voicemail again. There is no point leaving a message when it is clear she won’t be calling me back any time soon.  Then a thought hits me, had Hayley told her?

What if she had? Clearly that would make her angry, angry enough that she would break up with me though?

Had she even broke up with me?

Were we together or not?

I flopped myself down on my bed and stared up at the ceiling. Not thinking about my math test tomorrow, or my English essay due tomorrow. The one thing on my mind was her.

I lay there and wonder, I wonder what she is thinking… why she isn’t answering her phone and why she is even mad at me in the first place…..

A loud sobbing noise interrupts my thoughts. It continues and I just sit there and listen to it until I realize where it is coming from. I leap up from my position on my bed and race to my window. I lean out to see the person crying. My room had grown dark so it took a few moments for my eyes to adjust to the new lighting, but when I saw her I almost wish I never had. It was a horrible sight. I could see Eve lying crumbled on the floor crying as if she had just been stabbed.

Maybe she isn’t mad at me, surely I couldn’t have been the one to cause this much pain to her. This was more than a ‘i-have-a-horrible-boyfriend’ type of cry. She was in serious pain, there had to be something more to her story. But what is it?

I’m almost fully leaning out the window when I see her stand back up and stare out the window. It doesn’t take long for her to notice me. Shock and horror spreads across her face as she realizes what I had just seen, I’m sure her expression mirrors mine. What the fuck had I just seen?!?!?

I saw my girlfriend having a breakdown….and I did nothing!

Why didn’t I race to her house to help her, I am horrible. I watched her as she cried in pain but didn’t rush to her aid.

I move my mouth to say something, but what do I say? What can I say that won’t make things worse. I go to say that I’m sorry but nothing comes out. She walks to the window, her face as expressionless as a blank white hospital wall.

She reaches her arm out and grabs a white cord by her window and pulls. Her purple curtains close as she shuts me out. Without a word, without even a change of facial expression she locks me out.

I pull myself back, so I am no longer leaning out of my window. I remain staring out of my window for a few minutes not sure what to do. Why hadn’t I gone to be with her when it was clear she was hurting badly. I am a horrible person. Maybe her life would be better without me.


I remain standing there at the curtains. Why had I just closed them? Why had I done that to him?

Why do I care? He clearly doesn’t care about me, he didn’t care enough to actually ecnowledge me this past week, he didn’t care enough to come and help me he just watched as I fell apart. He didn’t even care enough to ask how I was. Then again, it is pretty clear how I am….and he did call.

No, I won’t think about it. He is keeping secrets from me, I have always told him everything and he swore there were no secrets. He promised to love me forever, and treat me right. He promised to be my knight in shining armour, but where is he now. Now I realize he is just a prick in a shiny outfit.

I hear my phone ring, I know who it is, and for some reason I decide to answer. I think i'll let him explain for himself.

“What do you want?” I ask, my voice saturated with venom.

“I just want to say that… erm…”He mumbles.


“I don’t think this is working out, I just don’t feel the same way about you anymore. I guess it was a mistake to go out with you---” I hold the phone away from my face so he doesn’t hear my sobs. I quickly compose myself and listen again. “We can still be friends though.”

“No.” I say bluntly. I don’t want to be his friend, seriously who the hell says that?! Other than pretty much every person in a movie, at least he hasn’t played the ‘it’s not you it’s me’ line so typical, if you are gonna break up with somebody at least use original lines.

“Look, please just don’t be mad. I just changed my mind, you see, it’s not you it’s m—”

I hang up on him.

He ignores me, watches me crumble and does nothing, then he breaks up with me via a phone call when we live legit five seconds away from each other and then uses that line on me!

I run to my desk and grab the first thing I can get my hands on, a glass cup. I throw it to the ground and watch it smash into thousands of different pieces. Just like Harry had just done to my heart.

I fall to the ground, some shards of glass pierce my skin as I fall onto them. I ignore the pain, because it doesn’t hurt. For some reason it makes it all better. It isn’t pain, not really, it is a distraction. It is an escape. I pick up a triangular shaped piece of glass, twirl it thrice in my hand then push it into my arm.

It begins to sting but I continue anyway, focusing on the pain in my arm rather than that in my heart. What would he think of my doing this? Would he hate me? Would he judge me? Would he not even care?

No, he wouldn’t. Just as he didn’t before…. Maybe his life would be better if I wasn’t in it….if I never existed.

Forever and Always- A Harry Styles love story ♥Where stories live. Discover now