Chapter Four : Reconciliation

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As I realize that I can't really go back to my other body. I sprint towards the restaurant where I passed out, many people were looking at me nauseated by my looks. Arriving in a daze, I saw my drunk unconscious self, It didn't disappear it wasn't a dream after all but why couldn't I change??

"Huh?" The group turned to me and were suddenly staring at me, RIGHT! I totally forgot that I'm a different Daniel. so of course, they'll treat me differently. What should I do?

"Heh, who's that kid? I swear I've seen him before"

"Dummy its him, the fatty from the convenience store."

"Ah ha!"

"Why's he here?"

"He probably came to pig out alone." The friendly expression from their faces had been replaced by the look of hungry hyenas.

"Yo wassup"

"Why you here? hehe"

"Who's he?"

"Came to take another photo? Hehe"

Frightening!! They were looking down on me, like I was a riffraff. Zoe, why are you looking at me like that? I wondered seeing her face changed drastically.

"Who are you? Show me your ID or get out." The owner said with a disgusted look on her face. She disappeared when we were in a fight earlier, comparing from the response I got earlier when I was still in my other body. This was such a different side, they were so harsh to me. I look at my unconscious body sleeping in the floor peacefully, my body, I need that boy, It's still here why didn't I change?? Could it be I was so drunk that I couldn't wake up.


But how can I explain taking my body home? I thought, then the girl that we saw earlier just calmly walked passed by and after noticing me, she stopped on her tracks and stood close behind me. Is she gonna judge me like anybody else?


The interrogation was taking quite some time and I had gotten bored listening to their words so I let A/l handle things for me from there on. I decided to go out for a bit, accompanied by two of my people as they were worried that someone might try to inflict harm upon me.

"I am hungry." I simply muttered and one of the people guarding me asked the owner of the place to prepare some food for me to enjoy. The owner just gave me some snack and apologize for she was unable to provide what I wanted...

The look on her eyes shows she was afraid at what I might do to her and she thinks I'm gonna punish her for simple things such as that.

"It's alright" I then snap my finger and one cub came close to me and waited for my words. "Tell them to get me something to eat, I like something spicy and at the same time something sweet for refreshments." The little cub nodded before telling a few others to fetch me my preferred food. I look around the restaurant and found a familiar little guy looking quite troubled at Zack's group, this is quite surprising? What is he doing here?

Instead of waiting, I rise up from my seat which made the owner flinch and one of my guards simply ask if there was something bothering me. They looked in the direction I was looking and the owner quickly proposed that she could ask them to leave if I wanted.

"No need to do that." I replied as I walked towards the troubled Lil Daniel. He turned around and looked at me with fearful yet surprised look on his face. The group went quiet and so was Lil Daniel. I looked at them and there I noticed the passed out Big Daniel.

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