Valentine's special ( part 2 )

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In the middle of wondering where might Daniel went, your brain started thinking that maybe he already got a girl and he didn't dare to tell who she is, your heart ached more than ever just by thinking about that idea

" We're friends, he can just easily tell me if he already have one " you place your hand on your chest feeling the unwanted pain in your chest, It hurts
But your brain began to speak " does it hurt because he loved someone else? ", you bit your lip and cursed your own head for popping some stupid question in the middle of your suffering

Jay notice the heavy atmosphere around you, making him sweatdrop at your condition, He didn't knew what you were thinking cause earlier you were smiling brightly and laughing along with Mira but now...

" ......... ( Is there something that is bothering you?) "

" I-im Fine " you replied feeling more gloomy that it made Jay kinda confuse at your actions, he didn't know what to do with you sometimes and it kinda made him feel useless since he couldn't help you with it, when both of you arrived in the parking lot Jay gestured you to hop in his sweet ride, he telepathically told you to hold onto him as tight as you can...

While he was telling you that, you can't help but notice that smirk on his lips making you think that maybe he really likes it if you were scared but to him, that was not the reason, he just
Simply like the way you hold onto him because for him, it was a great blessing that he could receive, simple right?

You place your hand around his waist and lean your head on his back, Jay placed the helmet on your head and started driving off with a normal speed

You were relief at first since it was still normal and everything seems fine but Jay being Jay.... Started driving fast that you feel like you left your soul on the way, you tighten your hands around him and buried your face on his back, Usually you weren't really like this... You're not easily scared by this but since you are not having a good mood earlier, it seems that you couldn't really feel happy about the danger right now, you love danger but when you're not in the mood, danger seems to love you back

" I didn't know you can drive this hella fast!? " you yelled at him, but despite having a helmet you can feel that he just smirked right after the moment you talk to him and it seems like you're not gonna like what's on his mind at all

" Oh no, Don't you dare, young man! " you told him, just by that small action that he did you already know what was running in his head and its not gonna be that fun at all

Jay increased the speed and you can't help but tightly hug him on the way, this was another way for Jay to tease you sometimes and he usually does this when you were not in the mood cause he totally knew that after the ride you might end up feeling excited or thrilled cause he knew that you are into dangerous stuff and shits


After a few minutes of deadly and exciting trip with Jay, You manage to survive from those dangerous speed that Jay made you suffer, you pinch yourself and pinch your arm trying to see if you were still alive or maybe you are just a soul right now

Jay couldn't help but hide his laughter and try to help you out for a moment ,he held your hand in his and then pulled you for a hug, you puffed your cheeks and look at him with an annoyed look but he just simply smiled back and messed your hair like he always do

"..... (Don't worry, you're alive)" he told you and then intertwines his hand with yours, Your stomach the growls making you blush in embarrassment and quickly look away from Jay, who was already grinning

" ..... ..... ( Let's go) " he drag you inside the restaurant and as both of you entered the place, the waiters and other staff was aligned in the entrance, all of them greeted you with warmth and gave their full respect towards the both of you,

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