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Falling down from the tall building, you close your eyes as you held Daniel closely on top of you. You felt like time slowed down and thought, is this the reason why it took so long to fall down on some anime series like Yato who even talked to a suicidal person while they were falling down.

"Well shit. This gonna hurt more than a lot." You mumbled and as you finally crash down on top of the car, there were few moments before you opened your eyes inside an endless empty space.

'Am I dead... ?'

You ask yourself as you got up and look around, it was literally empty and you were also alone on that huge space. You started walking around and hope that you will find something in that nothingness. One step...two step..three.    

'wait , who am I?'

You stopped. You try to remember what your name was and yet nothing popped out in your head. You closed your eyes to concentrate but no matter how hard you think ,nothing came out.

"Where am I?"

"What happen to me?"

All of the sudden the ground that you were stepping turned into water, you couldn't swim up and you just keep going down on the bottom until you lose your breath and lose consciousness once more. A several minutes later, you opened your eyes in a familiar and unfamiliar laboratory. You were inside on a tank filled with freezing water while there were lots of things that are also connected on your body. Looking beside you was another girl in the same situation but looking at her, she doesn't seem to be alive anymore.

"Why!? Why!" You heard a woman cries as she looked at another dead girl in a glass coffin filled with fresh looking flowers. You didn't know what was going on and why you were there but soon a tall guy came in. He was wearing some plague doctor outfit and there was no way for you to distinguish who that male was.

"Love, there's nothing we could do. Y/n is the only one who's able to proceed in this expirement." The guy told him as he
place his hand on her shoulder and wrapped his hand around her waist.

"She's our child Aron, I can't find myself loving a child of another man." She then pointed at the girl beside you.

"We can... just" the guy removed his mask and you were shocked to see how he was kinda good looking, red hair and blue eyes. He kissed M/n and held her close to him. You couldn't react much but you felt that something is wrong with those people.

"For now, let's stick to the plan instead of Sienna let's use his child. It wouldn't be dangerous anymore." Aron looks at the girl beside me and smiled like a creep. What do they mean use his child?? Did they kidnap someone else's child." Who knows what he might do to you if he got the news that you tricked him about getting you pregnant with Sienna." Aron chuckled while M/n was still mourning for losing her daughter.

"Let's trample those who have look down on us, I'll take care of Lucius and you should take care of Y/n until she grew up and become the Head of the L/n Family." Aron told her while wiping her tears away, he kissed her on her forehead. "Love and care for her, be like a mother and attach the strings. So that you could control her." He added.


You felt your eyelids getting heavy and even though you wanted to know more about the situation, you couldn't overcome the urge of getting some sleep. Closing your eyes, you woke up once again with a dreadful scream that escaped from your own lips. You felt your body feeling different kinds of pain, getting cut, getting whipped, getting stabbed and many more.

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