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🔷EP. 141 ( 03 )

" Notte World.... Isn't this place fun? "

" Yes brother, but mom is gonna kill us for running away "

" I knoe~ I knoe~ "

" But what if Collin said was. true? "

" then it's worth running away for " Lindon and Landon walk around the huge place, it was filled with so many Students from different school that it made them excited. Y/n might be really in the place they both thought as they saw students who were wearing J high uniform

As they were walking, they happen to see guys scowling and sending fierce stupid look to each other

" Hey, How old are you? "

" I'm 100! You asshole. "

" Ha!  This d#ck think he's tough "

" Yeah?  So what? "

The two boys continued looking like a piece of shit having some shit war. While Lindon and Landon were kinda amused at their sight. the other guy stepped back a little looking quite nervous all of the sudden and his other two guys felt the same

" hey you ass, Your friends got your back?  Bring em all turd "the guy nervously said to Jiho, realization then hits Jiho in the face, the guys weren't scared at him but they were scared at Both Daniel and Zack who h
was with him earlier.

The little guy was already scared that he wants to give up and kneel down but there was a reason that he can't, he glance at the girls nearby and they were watching them.

Gorillas ,they boast around to get the throne and Male peacocks attracts females by showing off their feathers, this is the male instinct!

As a male I can't afford to give in!  I have to act tough the little guy
thought not even planning to back down

" Do what I tell you while I'm still nice, before my friends come " Jiho told them, he was sweating a lot cause he just told them a lie and this situation could go so badly.

The boys flinch making him think that his words might've scared them
" F.. F#ck ,that's it, I'm done, come here " His enemy muttered looking very nervous too, they both knew the girls are looking too and neither of them didn't want to retreat

" I..  I work out " Jiho told him and he was pushed on a tight spot at the moment, if he follow them, he will definitely get beaten up.. He have to get out of the mess as soon as he can

" Work out? lol "

"he said he works out "

" f#ck "

Jiho look around to find some help and his eyes landed on a well-known person, the person that everyone couldn't possibly forget.

" Hey!  Over here!  Here " Jiho called, making the three guys flinch cause he was already calling for back up

" Logan!  " Jiho called the guy making him and the coco boy turn their heads towards his direction, the troubled transfer!  Logan lee, no one can forget the day where a huge mess happen in the cafeteria and all the J high students didn't even want to get in his way.

" Logan Over here!  " Jiho called making Logan confuse cause he never knew Jiho or maybe he forget who he is. But still the little guy is just a stranger

" Master, you know him?  " Coco boy ask and glance at Jiho, Lindon and Landon recognize Logan since he was a well-known trouble maker in their place and they were always the one dealing with him if the mess gets messier....

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