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After a few hours had passed, you had woken up with Samuel sitting beside you. Eyes were closed and his hands were crossed, you just noticed that you have been resting your head on his lap while his coat was covering your body serving as your blanket.

"There's a blanket over there, though." You mumbled as you glance at the set of blankets under the tables, they were neatly folded. You were about to get up when Samuel slowly open his eyes and locked gazes with you.

"Oh I fell asleep." He simply muttered before stretching a little while you get up, both of you had messy hair and even yawned at the same time. You went to the bathroom while he check the messages on his phone, trying to see if his so called boss already invited him to go back home that evening but there wasn't a single message. He usually gets annoyed but seems like he felt relief after seeing that there was none.

"It's really quite uncomfortable to sleep with this kind of clothes and get up." You commented after fixing yourself once more. It was a pain in the ass but you can't just go back in the main area looking like you and Samuel fucked each other even though you were just sleeping.

"I don't even know how you fell asleep with a mask on. Looking at you sleeping like that is so uncomfortable." He replied while also fixing his clothes and his hair up once more.


You look around the whole building with Samuel, the both of you didn't want to go back to the main area since it was still a place filled with party people. Eat, drink and dancing like there's no tomorrow to come, the place was quite livelier than when you arrive. You just wander around with no certain destination while Samuel was just silent the whole time as he followed you wherever you wanna go.  What you did earlier and those freaking fast reflexes of your keeps repeating in his head. It was quite interesting to him to see such girl as yourself to have hone such skill

"I'm so thirsty~" You hummed and continued walking.

"How bout you wait here and I'll go get something to drink." He muttered and you just happily nodded while  he immediately went to find a nearby vending Machine. As soon as Samuel left, you lean your back against the wall and waited for the guy to come back, you look left and right just to find the large empty hallway a bit disturbing.

The silence was so loud making you feel like you were the only one in that whole area, you were alone but you knew you weren't at all. You close your eyes for a short minute and sharpen your instinct, the moment that you did ...

You quickly went to move one step to the side as you felt a huge hand almost land a hit on your face. It was a quick attack coming from a huge person, you open your eyes just to see a hand stuck on a wall leaving a huge hole in it. He's definitely strong but you didn't feel alarm at all.

"Little Y/n, it is such a pleasure to see you once again." The old man laugh wholeheartedly but you just look at him with an annoyed look stuck on your face. You couldn't even bring yourself to smile nor greet him at all...

"Mr. Tom Lee, Did you just go easy on me?" You ask before charging him with an uppercut which he easily dodged so you followed it up with a sidekick causing him to step back and easily avoided it. He was about to give a comment when you quickly followed another kick hitting him hard in the stomach leaving the old guy to cough but wasn't enough to hurt him at all just like always.

"You also made me change my mind." He laughed as he fixed his coat and grinned at you. You weren't even taking him seriously at all which made him think that something must be holding you back. "I should be the one asking if you're going easy on me?"  He grinned and just take a look at you who doesn't seem to show any signs of friendliness towards him.

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