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September 30th, 1987. 15 days since Dave found Jack.

Jack's POV

Peaceful. That's what I have been feeling mostly for more than a week. It's strange, sure, but a really nice strange, a very welcome strange. Yeah, I still sometimes flinch whenever someone moves to fast. Also I still have that voice in the back of my head telling me to kill, or hurt myself. But now, it's plenty easy to ignore. Why would I do that? I've almost got everything.

Friends, a real house, food, a job so I can eventually get Peter's house back. Everything. But... I'm still scared, I'll admit that.

I'm scared this will all disappear, and he will show up and break me once again. I'm afraid that when PG and Dave figure out what happened, they'll think I'm a slut and throw me out.

I honestly don't know if they are just paranoid thoughts, or if I should actually be scared of them. Well, I hope that they can never happen, because even though I tell them to put me down, I like being carried,  I like being babied. I love waking up and actually being excited for what the day will bring. I love waking up and seeing Dave there, right in front of me. Sure, I still have nightmares, but not as often. And Dave is always there to help me through them. I never want this to go away. "Sportsy!"

Speaking of Dave. "H-Hey Dave, what's up?" He picks me up. "W-Woah Dave! What a-are you doing?!" "There's a surprise I've got to show ya!" He runs with me in his arms to the car and put's me in the back. He runs to the front and drives to the pizzaria like a mad man. "Phoney! It's time!" PG runs out and nods.

He gets in the passenger seat, says hello, then we drive somewhere else.

Time Skip Brought To You By, Jack Saying Are We There Yet~

I groan. It has been a full day of driving, and ocasionally stopping to eat. What could be so important that we had to go out of the state to get to it? "Are we there yet?" I asked for the 100th time. PG groans. "Believe it or not, yes we are very close. Old Sport, put on the blindfold back there." "Why?"

"It's a surprise." I sigh and put it on. There's no point in arguing with Dave. Finally, I feel the car stop moving. "Alright Sportsy, we're here." I hear car doors opening. Someone grabs me and puts me up to their chest. I can tell it's Dave by his grip, smell, and heartbeat. This just shows how often they pick me up.

I hear footsteps, an unlocking sound, and a door opening. I hear steps on a concrete floor. Dave sets me down. "Alright Sportsy, you can take off the blindfold now." I take it off. I gasp.

It's Peter's house. Nothing looks different, except for the things in the storage unit are not here, and there is tons of dust everywhere. I look around and feel the walls. It's not a dream.

I'm really here, I am back home. Happy tears start streaming down my face. I look at Dave and PG. They look proud and happy. I run up to them and give them the biggest hug I possibly can. They hug back. "I-Is this real?" "Yeah Sportsy, it's real. Me and Phoney, we're planning on making a location closer to our new home." "Our?" I say, looking up at them.

"Yep! You really think I'm gonna let you stay here alone? You can't take care of yourself!" I blush. "Y-Yes I can! I did it for over 30 years for fuck's sake!" "But if it wasn't for you being immortal, you would've died long ago." Phone Guy nods. I pout.

"But that doesn't matter! Dave, get the stuff from the truck and start unpacking. I'm gonna clean this place up. Look how much dust there is! We need this place ship shape if you two are going to live in it." PG starts to clean. "W-What should I do?"

"Why don't you go check out the rooms, reminisce, have fun Sportsy." He starts to leave. "Dave wait!" He turns around. I hug him. "Thank you dave, for everything." He looks surprised, then hugs back. "Your welcome Old Sport, anytime." We seperate.

"Well, what are you waiting for Sportsy? Go on!" I nod and go upstairs. I step into Peter and Caroline's room. It still has their bed. I step into my room. It has my bed with the orange covers. I feel it. It's still just as soft as I remember it. I lay down on it and feel myself already become sleepy. I drift off.

Time Skip Brought To You By, Jack Being A Happy Orange~

I hear a door open and groan. "Sportsy, you in here?" I nod. He goes over to me. "Wow, this bed is comfy! This yours?" I nod. He gets into the bed and puts me up to his chest. I sigh in content.

I let his breathing lull me to sleep. "G-Good night Davey." I say.

"Night Jack." He starts to hum an entrancing tune. I drift off again.

Nobody's POV

Jack falls back asleep. Dave kisses his forehead and says "Don't worry Sportsy, we'll find Peter and Caroline one day. I promise."

Dave falls asleep as well. PG opens the door. "Jake? Dave? Are yo-" He notices them sleeping. He smiles says "Good night guys." and shuts the door.

AN- Hey! We got adorable Sportagine, Mama Phone Guy, happy Jack, and Peter and Caroline's house. But, the next chapters are not gonna be as sweet. They will get dark. So hold these close to your heart! See ya guys!

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