Oh Shit..

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October 3rd, 1997. 18 days since Dave found Jack.

"Jack! Time to go!" says a familiar voice. "C-Coming!" I'm pretty sure you know who was talking by now. Yes it is Aubergine Man and Orange Man, the 2 colored employees of Freddy Fazbender's.

It has been two days since Dave has shown Jack Peter's house. They have decided that today would be the day to get the things from the storage unit. Jack was beyond terrified, but wasn't showing it. The paranoid thoughts in his head would not go away, and he was afraid that if Dave knew what happened he would think him as a slut. So, he decided to hide it from him.

The orange man walked to the car. Yes, walked. His leg is fully healed so PG and Dave let him walk on his own. Sometimes.

He got into the passenger seat and Dave got into the driver's seat. They began to drive. It's dead silent.

Which is unusual for those two. Usually when they are together they talk up a storm. Not that either were complaining.

Dave had a lot to think about, since he was trying to figure out who made his Sportsy so mentally messed up, and so did Jack, thinking on what to say if he did see him there. But if anyone who wasn't them were there, they would find the silence awkward.

Time Skip Brought To You By, I Honestly Don't Know, Magic?

The past day has been awkward, for both Jack and Dave. But they were almost there. Jack felt his heart (if it was even beating) pick up looking at the place. 'Please, let him not be here.' Jack begged silently in his head. He stepped out and waited for Dave. He was trying to not make it obvious he was scared, but was failing horribly. Dave picked him up and put him to his chest. He looked around. No one was here.

Jack breathed in a sigh of relief. "So Sportsy, which one is it in?" "R-R-18." Answers Jack. They walk to it. It looks just how Jack left it. Dave puts Jack down. They get to work with moving the things to the car. The air isn't as awkward, and they actually are talking, and laughing. Dave is suspicious, sure, but to him all that matters is these moments, the moments of making Old Sport happy. He deserved all the happiness in the world after all. It takes about an hour, but they finish.

"Dave?" "Yeah Sportsy?" "C-Can I go somewhere?" Dave looks at him weird. "Of course, I'm not keeping you hostage. Where should I drive yo-" "Alone?" Dave looks confused. "Why do you need to do it alone?" "D-Dave, I need to do this, p-please?" Dave nods. "Be careful though, ok Sportsy?" Jack nods and hugs Dave.

"I-It should only take an hour o-or two, if I'm not back by t-then, you can come after me, b-but don't tell Phoney unless you k-know something's wrong, o-ok?" Dave nods. Jack hands Dave a piece of paper. "T-This is the address, ok?" "Alright Sportsy, be careful." Jack gives him a smile. "I-I will! Bye Dave!" Jack walks away. "Bye Jack, be safe..."

Time Skip Brought To You By, Jack Stuttering Everywhere.

Jack walks up to a familiar place. It's the alley he stayed in until Dave found him. He breathed in and out, he had to do this.

He walked in. There was his makeup in the right corner along with the suit he wore for his interview with Phoney. Ah, memories.

A makeshift bed that was covered in blood was in the corner. Near it was some medical supplies and a phone (both stolen).

Along with them, a razor. He shakes it off and grabs the suit and tie, along with his makeup. He grabs the razor and takes it to the wilderness next to the alleyway and throws it as far as he can.

He grins, that voice in the back of his head telling him to hurt himself finally shutting up. He walks near the exit and takes one last look. He is about to leave when he noticed something. A note. He picked it up and dropped it from shock.

'Your rent pay is overdue James~

He starts to run out but a hand covers his mouth while the other one pulls him towards the person behind him. They turns him around. It was George. He begins to shake in absolute horror.

"Howdy James, I think your rent pay is really overdue, so, let's make it extra.~ Maybe, a year's worth.~" Jack tries to scream, but the hand over his mouth prevents him. He feels himself get hit in the back of the head. Before he goes unconscious, he says "I'm sorry Dave..."

Two Hours Later...

A purple man is pacing, looking extremely worried. That purple man is Dave, obviously. "He was supposed to be here 2 hours ago." Mutters Dave. He runs to the car.

He hurriedly gets in and drives to the address Jack gave him. When he gets there he feels horrified. It's a tarp in a alley way. 'Is this where Sportsy lived for all these years?' He asked himself. He stepped in and feels disgusted.

There was blood everywhere. He noticed a pile of items. It had a suit, tie, and khakis, medical supplies, and his makeup. On top of it all is a note. He picks it up.

When he finishes reading it he drops it from shock and anger. He calls someone. "Hello? Hello, hello?" "Phoney." PG automatically turns on his mom mode from how scared Dave sounded. "Are you ok?! What's wrong?!" "Jack's been kidnapped."

'Whoever is friends with the orange man, just know he is mine now. He didn't pay his rent on time, now he'll have to pay extra. Don't bother looking, you'll never see him again.

AN- I'M NOT CRYING! YOU'RE CRYING! WHY DO I DO THIS TO MYSELF?! *starts bawling. Parents walk in and walk out. "Nope. Nu uh. Not today."* I am evil... Wait. I didn't kidnap Jack, George did! So I put all the blame on him! "Bitch you made me like this!" SHUT UP! I MADE YOU I CAN UNMAKE YOU! George stays silent. Please send help.

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