Fredbear's Family Diner

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Mention Of Rape
Panic Attacks

October 6th, 1997. 2 days since Jack was kidnapped.

"We there?" Asks Dave. Mike nods. They all get out. 'Well, isn't this a trip down memory lane.' thinks Dave. They walk into the building. It's so run down that it's a miracle that the roof hasn't caved in. "So, this is the infamous Fredbear's. I thought this place was burned down." Dave nods.

"I made sure that people thought that, I wanted it to be safe from Freddy's tearing it down." Dave takes out his key. "Luckily for us, I have the key."

He unlocks the door and opens it for them. "Ladies first~" Jeremy thanks him and walks inside. Mike gives him the middle finger and goes in. Phoney rolls his eyes and follows the others. Dave goes inside as well. The place is covered in blood and guts. Mike covers Jeremy's eyes and Dave and Phoney gag. This is worse than all the locations put together.

There is the repulsive liquid on top of the blood. "I. AM. GOING. TO. TORTURE THE FUCK OUT OF HIM FOR DOING THIS TO SPORTSY." Phoney nods, his hand turning into a fist. Mike nods, clenching his teeth.

Jeremy looks concerned and confused. "I-Is it that bad?" "Worse." Dave answers Jeremy. "I am g-going to give the guy a s-stern talking to!" They all snicker. Mike pats Jeremy's head. "That's a good idea Jere. Now, what the fuck are we waiting for?! Let's kick the guy's ass!" Phoney and Dave agree. "Let's try the saferoom, that is the most high-risk area." Dave says. They walk to the saferoom. Most saferooms were small, but Fredbear's was always the biggest. They walk in. "Sportsy!" Jack is still in the suit that can't fully springlock, and is covered in blood, guts, and that disgusting liquid.

He barely lifts his head. "" Everyone looks disgusted and horrified, well, except for Jeremy. Mike still is covering Jeremy's eyes after all. Dave runs to Jack, but doesn't get there. George kicks him back. "So, you are the orange man's 'friends'. Nice to meet you, I'm George. Now, this is between me and James. So please leave." Dave gets up and growls.

"Fucking pscyopath! We are NOT allowing you to so much as touch him anymore!" A grin appears on George's face. "Well, I do love a challenge. Come on now, let's go."

Dave charges at him trying to punch him in the face. George simply steps to the side and pushes him to the ground. Phoney tries to push him, George pushes him instead. Mike is able to get a punch in. George spits out blood and punches Mike in the chest. Jeremy tries to convince him to stop, but is pushed into a wall. Mike growls and starts to rapidly punch George.

Phoney helps Dave up and they gang up on him. George pushes Dave and Mike away and punches PG with all his might in the ribs. PG screams and falls to the ground, a few tears slipping. (Go away Logic!) George begins to kick them, the air filling with PG's screams. Mike pulls George away from PG and begins to beat him up. As soon as Dave gets up George throws Mike into the wall. George's smirk returns. "Just me and you, purple man."

Dave is about to charge at him, when he realizes that's just what he wants. He makes it seem like he's about to charge at him, then moves over at the last second. George tries to push him, but Dave is to far away.

Dave punches him in the balls. He groans and falls to the ground. Dave smirks and runs over to Jack. "Hold on Sportsy, I'll get you out." "D-D-Dave watch out!" Dave turns around only to get punched in the face and hit into the wall. He is unable to get up. "Nice try. Now, let's end this shall we?" George grabs a knife and positions it above Dave's head. Dave closes his eyes.


Nothing hits him

He looks up and is horrified. Sportsy has somehow got in front of Dave and has taken the hit with his chest. He looks at Dave, crying and smiling. George takes the knife out. Jack falls onto Dave, not moving. "Sportsy! Old Sport say something!" No response. He begins to cry, holding Jack like a lifeline.

George looks mad for a second then shrugs. "Well, might as well kill you as well so you can be with hi-" George falls to the ground. Mike has a frying pan and it is positioned over George's head. He runs over to Dave. "Dave?"

He had NEVER seen Dave cry in the time he had known him. Dave is sobbing hysterically. He then realizes the stab mark in Jack's chest. "Shit..." He tried to check Jack's pulse. "N-No! D-Don't touch him! L-Leave him alone..."

Mike sighs. "Dave, I'm just checking to see if he's alive, ok?" Dave thinks for a second, and nods. Mike checks, it's still there! He grins and nods to Dave. Dave clutches Jack, and let's out a sigh in relief. Then he realizes he might not be for long. Wait, he had tons of medical supplies in his car! He hurriedly stands up. "We need to hurry to the car." Mike nods. "You go, I'll get the others." Dave smiles and runs out the building. Mike checks on Jeremy first.

He is clutching his head. "Jere?" He looks up. "M-Mikey? What h-happened?" Mike shakes his head. "I'll tell you later, hold on ok?" Jeremy nods. Mike goes over to PG. He is crying lightly and holding his ribs.

"PG? You ok?" He doesn't answer. He touches him lightly. PG flinches and covers his face.

"I'mSorryI'mSorryI'mSorryI'mSorry!" "PG!" He hugs him lightly. "Shhhh... You're ok. It's Mike." PG flinches, than leans into him. It takes a few minutes for him to fully calm down. "You ok now?" Phoney nods. "Y-Yeah, I don't really remember why I was freaking out."

Mike doesn't really believe him, but he nods and let's it slide. "Can you get up?" PG nods and tries to get up and walk on his own. Emphasis on TRIED.

He almost fell and hurt his ribs more. Mike luckily catched him and picked him up. He walked over to Jeremy and sets him against the wall. He picks up Jeremy with one arm and puts PG's arm over his shoulder. He walks over to the car with them. 'If there is a good up there, please let orange guy be ok.'

AN- Cliffhangers suck! Yeah, they do. If the fighting scene was to confusing, or bad, PLEASE tell me. I want to better my writing, and allow people to understand what I'm writing easily. Well, unless I want it to be a mystery. Anyway, see ya fellow aubergine's! (No I don't know what the fuck that was either.)

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