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Panic Attacks
A Bit Of Violence
Mention Of Rape And Domestic Violence

October 4th, 1997. 0 days since Jack has been kidnapped.

"We there?" Asks PG. "Yeah, we're here." We all walk out of the car and into the storage unit. "So, where the actual fuck is the storage unit that this orange man rented out?" I point to R18. We walk to it. "Look around guys, see if you can find anything." We all look around. "Um.. g-guys? You might wanna look a-at this." Says Jeremy, sounding more scared than usual.

We walk over. It's a corner with blood in it. I feel my blood boil. It looks like Old Sport's blood. How do I know that? Well, his blood has a bit of rust and an orange tint. And that's what it looks like. "I-Is that?" Asks Jeremy "What I think it is?" Adds Mike. I nod, pissed off. "That FUCKER hurt my baby, he will SuFfEr." Phone Guy nods.

"He dare touch one of my children? That f-f-f- hecking b-b- banner." Mike snorts at it. Phoney looks mad. "Is this a joke to you? Do you have any idea what he might do to him? He was in horrible condition, mentally and physically, when we found him." Oh shit, this can't be good. Mike looks pissed off.

"I can't help but snort at that stupid fucking thing you have! I'm not a sick fuck, I get that it's worrysome! I'm just trying to lighten the mood you fucking bitch!" Phoney starts to shake in terror. He falls and starts to hyperventilate. I run over to him. "Phoney! What's wrong?!" He doesn't answer. Mike looks extremely guilty. "PG, are you ok?" Asks Mike.

He goes over to PG and starts to rub his back. Phoney flinches, but slowly starts to calm down. He eventually comes back. "Phoney, what just happened?" PG looked up at me, tears in his eyes. "D-Dave, I just somehow got a memory." I am in huge shock. "That, that should NOT be possible. You have to have the wrench that was uses to seal up the memories in the first place and use it to gain any memories." Mike asks. "What did you see?"

PG begins to shake "There was a guy with grey hair and a grey tie and black suit. He was beating me up, punching me, kicking me, and calling me a useless bitch. It hurt so bad. He kept kicking my ribs" I wince and hug him. His ribs are extremely sensitive, the slightest touch can make them hurt. He leans into me. "D-Dave, do you know my real name yet?"

I shake my head. "Sorry, no. I'm still working on that, we'll find it, I promise you that." PG nods. Mike hugs him as well. "I'm sorry, that was a really big dick move. I just, get angry really easy. It's hard to control." PG smiles. (Does anyone know what logic is?)

"It's fine Mike, I did overeact. Let's continue on our investigation. I'm not the main priority here." We all nod and look at where the blood is coming from. It looks like it's leading to somewhere. We search around. I find a fake wall and take it out. It leads down into a staircase. "Fuck. We going into the basement?" Jeremy hides behind Mike, slightly shaking.

Me and Phoney nod. "We NEED to do this."  We head on down, Mike and Jeremy right behind. I feel sick as soon as we get to the bottom of the stairs.

Old Sport's blood is everywhere, there is a bed with chains on it. When I step closer to it, I throw up. There's a... Absolutely disgusting and repulsive liquid on it. Mike gags and covers Jeremy's eyes. PG tears up and looks like he's about to puke.

"S-Someone, dared to touch my Sportsy... And... I-I wasn't there for him... He went through this because of me..." I begin to cry. Phoney does to and hugs me. Mike and Jeremy join in, while Jeremy doesn't know what's wrong, he still doesn't like seeing anyone unhappy.

"It was not your fault Dave. Don't worry, we will save him, I promise." Says PG. I nod. "No, your right, your right. We will save Old Sport." Don't worry Sportsy. We're coming. Just hang on a little longer.

Nobody's POV

"Yeah, I have him. How much longer do you want me to do this to him?" Pause. "Ok, when will you come and pick him up again?" Pause. "Right. Right. I'll see you then. Bye boss."

A horrid grin shows up on the man's face from the other end of the phone.

"Soon Jack, soon I will have you. This plan is going perfectly well. By this rate, I should be on step 3 by the end of the month." An even more evil grin appears on the man's face.

AN- This chapter is dark, but now we have a bit of the Phone Guy's story! And, we have a new character for the story. It's either next chapter or, more likely, the chapter after that where shit is gonna go down.

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