A Thousand Years

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Rape/Sex References
Panic Attack
Self Harm
Overall Depressing Shit

This one is going to be one of the most intense chapters mentally wise. I will put a warning before it if you want to skip it. I really didn't want to put something like this, but I felt I had to. If you are seriously uncomfortable with the 2nd warning, I suggest skipping till the end of it.

October 11th, 1987. 5 days since Jack was rescued.

Dave walks in and hears Jack crying. "Sportsy? Are you ok?" "Y-Yeah, just another d-dream." He lies. Dave picks him up. Jack at first flinches, then calms down and leans into his chest. He always felt so happy and safe in his arms. He seriously needed it right now. "You ok?" Jack nods, snuggling into his chest. Dave smiles and starts to pet his head. He walks downstairs and sets Jack on the couch. He grabs the French Toast and gives it to Jack.

Jack's eyes light up. "Y-You made t-this?!" "Yep! Try it!" Jack tries it and almost goes into a food coma from how good it is! "It's s-so good! T-Thank y-y-you!" Dave turns a little red. "Ya welcome Sportsy." They eat and talk to no end. Jack was comfortable, so his stuttering wasn't as bad as usual.

Dave thought the stutter was adorable, sure, but he wished he didn't do it. Why? Well, it showed he was tense and scared. He hated him being sad, even in the slightest. Jack yawns. "Are you tired?" A nod. Dave picks him up and walks upstairs to Jack's bedroom. He starts to cuddle with him. Jack snuggles and falls asleep in his arms.

5 Days Later...

Jack had worst nightmares than usual, and looked scared about something. Jack would always wake up with a huge panic attack. Dave was terrified. Was he ok? They decided to have another day to themselves.

Jack somehow got his hands on some achohol. "~Y-Yoouu were alwwwaaays m-my f-faaavorite cooo-workkkker D-D-Daaave~" "Oh really?" Jack became really cuddly when drunk. Not that Dave minded.

The funniest thing, he only had one drink. "I'm just wondering how you got into the cabinet with how weak you are." He said while petting Jack. Jack began to purr. "Did... Did you just... Purr?" Jack blushes.

"~Mayyybbeee. T-That ok w-with y-y-yoouuu~?" Dave blushes and nods. "I guess. How are you Old Sport?" He hated using his condition, but he had been acting weird and he was worried about him. "I-I-I, dooon't k-know"

He begins to tear up. Crap. He must be coming down. "I-I-I shouldn't t-tell you. Y-You would t-throw me o-o-out." Dave gathers him into his arms.

"I would never, I love you Sportsy. Go to bed, ok?" Jack nods and falls asleep in his lap. He carries him to the bedroom. He would ask him about it in the morning.

Time Skip Brought To You By, Drunk Jack~

"Ugh. M-M-My head h-hurts." "Hey there Old Sport." Jack jumps. "D-D-Dave! D-Don't scare me l-like t-that!" Dave chuckles. "Sorry Sportsy. I'll be right back." He left for a second to grab some aspirin and literally came right back. He hands it and a glass of water to Jack. Jack takes it and begins to shake realizing he was drunk. "W-W-What h-hap-p-pened?" Dave picks him up. Jack flinches and curls into himself.

"Jack... Shit. Nothing happened, ok? I would NEVER take advantage of you like that. You're safe. I swear it." Jack uncurls but still is breathing heavily.

Dave puts him up to his chest. "Just follow my breathes, ok?" Jack nods and slowly calms down. "You ok now Old Sport?" Jack nods. "Y-Yeah, s-sorry."

"No. Don't apologise. You're ok. But, I need to ask you something." Jack urges him to continue. "You said something last night." 'Oh God... What did I say?!' Jack thinks scared. "I asked you if you were ok. You said 'I don't know. I shouldn't tell you. You would throw me out.' What do you mean by that?" Jack freezes. "I-I-I don't k-know. I-It's p-p-probably n-nothing."

[VERY OLD] [Competed] Half Alive (A Jack×Dave Dayshift At Freddy's Story)Where stories live. Discover now