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AN- This will be around Phone Guy, Jeremy, and Mike. Mainly Jeremy and Mike.

"Jere. Come on, get up." Jeremy yawns. "G-Good morning Mike! You h-hungry?"

Mike nods. "I hope you know that's not why I woke you up." Jeremy tilts his head kinda cutely. Mike blushes to lightly to see. "W-What is it?" "The new location is finished being built, but PG still needs help getting the things in and it ready for the children." Jeremy's face turns into an exclamation mark. "O-Oh yeah! When is it again?" "9:30." Jeremy checks the clock. It was 9:00. Jeremy jumps up and shoos Mike out. "I-I'll be down in a few m-minutes!" Mike nods and leaves.

Jeremy gets into a security officer suit that has a green tie. He has on khakis and his signature green tennis shoes. He runs downstairs and starts making toast. Mike goes up to him. He gets an idea and puts his hands on Jeremy's shoulders and yells "BOO!" Jeremy screams and jumps at least 10ft in the air. Mike starts laughing his ass off. "M-M-Mike! What the h-heck?!" "Sorry Jere. I couldn't resist." Mike says in between laughs. Jeremy huffs and continues cooking.

He hands two pieces of toast for Mike and grabs two for himself. They both sit down on the couch, Jeremy putting on Fairytale, singing along to the theme song. Mike chuckled, he didn't like anime but it made Jeremy happy so he watched it for him. A few minutes later they put the plates in the sink, Mike goes to get the car ready while Jeremy turns off the TV.

He runs out the house, only to run back in when he realizes he left his keys.

Time Skip Brought To You By, Mikey Blushing~

They step out of the car, looking up at the fox head. "Why the fuck did he choose Foxy anyway?" Jeremy shrugs. "D-didn't he say he wanted to d-discourage the bad things? Maybe it's to s-show this pizzaria's different!" Mike snorts.

"Yeah, good luck with that." They walk inside, and are already scared for what the day might bring. The robots are running everywhere, Toy Bonnie and Withered Bonnie are fighting, Matt is sitting there with his creepy ass virgin smile, there are boxes stacked covering one side of the room, and poor PG is stuttering everywhere, trying to calm everyone down though he sounded to small and scared for anyone to take him seriously.

Mike screams "ALRIGHT FUCKERS EVERYONE CALM DOWN! IF YOU DON'T I WILL FUCKING DEATROY EVERYONE OF YOU BASTARDS AND BITCHES!" Everyone calms down immediately, and PG sighs in complete and utter relief while giving him a grateful 'smile' and a thumbs up. "A-Alright everyone! Please calm down and get to the backroom if you're a animatronic, and if you're... Matt, please get your station ready!" Matt nods and walks to his station.

The animatronics all go to the backroom. PG goes up to Mike. "Thanks Mike. I don't know how much more of the yelling I could take." Mike nods. "It's fine Phoney. What do you need us to do?" PG urges them over to the boxes. "They all have writing on the box for what room it belongs in. Can you put it in it's room?"

They nod. "I'm gonna work on the security office and the break room. Good luck!" PG leaves. Mike and Jeremy begin to work.

Another Time Skip~

Mike's POV

2. Fucking. Hours. We've been doing this for 2. Hours. Thank the fucked up God's that we're done. I walk into the security office. "Hey PG? We're-" He's asleep at the desk. The security office is almost completely finished. I smile and grab a blanket. I drap it over him. While I'm here I might as well finish it. I open the last box. It has pictures of all the employees. Dave has Jack on his shoulders and has a huge smile. Jack is blushing a little and has a big smile as well.

In the next PG has on a shirt that says 'BEST MOM/BOSS EVER' while Jack is sitting down with a shirt that says 'BEST CHILD/EMPLOYEE EVER'. The next has me and Jeremy. I have a face that says 'why am I here?' with a hint of amusement. Jeremy has one of his anime shirts and is smiling innocently. I feel my face heat up. I swear, I'm acting like a teen with a crush. I didn't even know I liked boys, maybe it's just Jeremy? I thought that shit only happened in the shows Jeremy watched. I shake my head and hang up the photos.

I hear whimpers. I look behind me. PG is shaking, whimpering, and mumbling under his breath. I frown. Was he having a nightmare? I walk over to him. He is fully freaking out. I pick him up and rock him back and forth. He calms down. I set him back on the chair and cover him up with the blanket. Jeremy walks in.

"M-Mike? PG? Is everything ok?" Mike nods. "PG'S just sleeping. We're ok." Jeremy nods. "You hungry?" Mike nods and smiles. They leave PG to go get dinner.

AN- AAAAHHHHH MY SHIP AND ELDERLY BROTHER MIKE! This was awesome! I hope you guys enjoyed this as much as I did!

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