6: Ariador's One-Liners.

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Okay, so Ariador sent Mckenzie a link to some one-liners used to support atheism. There are 36 of them in total, so Mckenzie will be answering them two at a time. Here we go:

1: God kills 2.4 million people in his book. Satan kills 10. Who is the more evil one?

I'd like to point out an error of logic here; Before sin entered the world, there was no death, so when Satan came, he brought death into the world. So ultimately, Satan is responsible for every death.

I'd also like to point out that the fact God allows death is actually merciful. Could you imagine if we had to live in this broken world forever? No, God allows death so that we only have to endure this world for a short time before going to heaven (Christians anyway).

So did Satan only kill ten people? No. He is responsible for all this death and destruction, as are we, because we chose it.

2: God says everyone has to worship Him for all of eternity. What kind of self-centered egomaniac demands that?

Firstly, He's refering to believers, so this does not include everyone as some people will be in hell.

Nothing that God judges guilty will be in that city. The throne of the Lamb will be there. And God's servants will worship Him.  -Revelations 22:3

Now, part two; what does this verse mean by worship?

Well I'll tell you what it's not meaning, it's not meaning we will spend eternity with our faces to the dirt, singing hymns. That's an old folk tale that needs to be thrown out. To God, worshiping can look like many things, but to put it simply; worshiping is spending time with Him.

There are many people who worship God through art, sports, writting, even just doing chores around the house. If you feel close to God while doing some of these things, or any other hobbies/jobs, it is considered worship. While there will be the good old singing type-worship, what I just described is the worship I believe this verse is refering to.

If you want a more realistic image of heaven, toss out the whole naked-baby-things flying around with harps. Heaven will be similar to the way things used to be, before sin entered this world. Take this world and minus the sickness, pain, death, mean people, and all sin, and you will have a clearer idea of what heaven will be like.

We will all become vegetarians (don't worry my fellow veggie-haters, I'm sure God will make the food taste amazing), animals will no longer be dangerous, and children can roam around freely because there is no such thing as danger. There will also be no boredom, because the God who created this amazing world will have no problem entertaining us!

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