10: Original Sin, and Satan's 'Innocence'

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Original sin? You mean holding people guilty for things over which they have no control. How is that remotely just?

Now, many people are actually refering to the teaching that every single human being after Adam and Eve was born into sin, with sinful flesh.

Proper definition: An unchosen condition into which all humans are born.

Misconception #1: That because we are born with sinful flesh we are headed to hell from day 1.

Truth #1: This is in no way accurate, as the Bible often refers to children as innocent.

The implications of being ‘born into sin’ or ‘born with sinful flesh’ is not that we are immediately sinful and headed to hell, but rather this; we don’t have to be taught how to lie, we don’t have to be taught how to steal, we don’t have to be taught to be selfish and mean. We know how to do it from the day we were born.

Truth #2: We are born with the condition of sin, meaning that we will have sinful desires and will get sick, one day die. All the brokeness is there.

But to be born with the condition of sin, is not the same as when we have embraced sin. When we ourselves sin, that is the moment which we will have to go to hell because our hearts are no longer pure.

Truth #3: When we sin, we hurt others.

For more info:


What did Satan do? He stood up for himself. He said he wasn't going to give in to God's demand to be worshiped. How is that a crime?

Part 1: What did Satan do? Well he did a lot;

-brought death into the world

-sinned and tricked the human race into doing the same

-doomed us to hell

-caused every single death there ever has been, and ever will be

-caused sickness, and natural disasters

-caused marriages to fall apart

-caused rape and molest


Part 2: He stood up for himself.

The Cambridge English Dictionary definition: To defend or support a particular idea or a person who is being criticized or attacked.

A: He was not being criticized or attacked, he has a knowledge of right and wrong, and chose to do wrong. He broke the law.

B: In breaking the law, he also tricked mankind into joining him, making us accessories to his crimes.

C: In the court of law, breaking the law is not defined as ‘standing up for yourself’. It is defined as a crime, and is punishable by the law.

A kid who runs away from home is still a runaway, and still broke the law (In some states, but for the sake of the example, just listen), and is not regarded as ‘standing up for yourself’. The crime gets even larger when you convince other minors to join you, and when your group does other crimes along the way. This is exactly the way God looks at rebellion, which is what that was.

Part 3: He said he wasn’t going to give in to God’s demand to be worshiped.

If your mom makes you a delicious supper, does she not deserve to be thanked for making it? Of course she does, she did something for you that she didn’t have to do. She could’ve just handed you a can of ravioli.

The same goes for God, He created this universe with so many amazing aspects to it. Did you know that the earth is placed in just the perfect place to allow us to admire the stars, but at the same time to keep us safe from most of the astroides and such? Some astronomers believe that Jupiter’s gravity protects us from some of the comets. Saturn is also seen as a source of protection from comets.

Did you know that it is estimated that a single gram of DNA can contain all of earth’s data? If you were to add up the data of Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and Facebook, the estimated amount of data is 1.2 million terabytes. Each terabyte is 1,000 gigabyte. That means that just four websites make up approximately 1,200,000,000 gigabytes!

It is also estimated that 2.5 billion gigabytes of data was generated every day in 2012. That’s 8 full years ago, and the rate of data generated is only increasing. Yet, it is estimated that all this data, and all the past data, can be contained in a single gram of DNA.

There are scientists right now who are studying DNA and trying to replicate it in computers. Science may have gotten far more advanced than it once was, but we are still using God’s design to try learning from and replicate.

All of this was to make one point: God deserves all glory and all honor, and to refuse to give Him that is (at best) arrogant.

So really, why shouldn’t we worship God for the way He created everything?

Part 4: How is that a crime?

I have only one question for you: How is it not a crime?

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