16: Christian Soldiers.

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This week I was only able to get around to answering one question, as I have been very busy with the comments among other things. Next week's question is also very deep, and so I may only be able to get the answer to that one typed out by next Saturday. Thank you for your patience.

16. Why aren't believing soldiers fearless? If they believe God will protect them, they have nothing to fear. If they die, it must be God's will. And if they die, they will instantly go to paradise forever. There is no reason, if they truly believe, to have any fear.

#1: There are several issues with this question, the first being a built-in assumption; Why aren’t believing soldier’s fearless?

Who say’s their not? I would like sources, because I’ve been searching for a while now and I’ve found zero studies on the matter. So if you have some, please tell me your sources.

#2: The thinking behind the question.

There is also an error in the thinking behind this question, and that is the belief that fear is something to be looked down on.

But that’s stupid. I’m sorry, but it is. This kind of thinking infers that the people who should be admired are those who have never faced adversity. Because without fear, there is no bravory.

#3: ‘If they believe God will protect them, they have nothing to fear. If they die, it must be God's will. And if they die, they will instantly go to paradise forever. There is no reason, if they truly believe, to have any fear.’

Well I could actually ask the same of atheists. If they know there is nothing after death, you just turn off like a machine, then why do atheists fear death?

But to answer the question; I don’t believe that believing soldiers necessarily fear death. Most fear the way death will come. Will there be pain? Will there be failure? What will their death cost their family, unit, and country? Will their death cause others to die?

That, I believe, is the true source of their fear. The worry for their family and country is, after all, what brings most to join the army.

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