9: In Who's Image?

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7: God made us in His image? What is more likely: that, or that we made Him in our image? The God of the Bible is self-admittedly petty, jealous, and vengeful-just like we are. Is it not more probable that we made Him in our image?

Part 1: God made us in His image?
I will keep my answer brief: Yes.

Part 2: What is more likely; that, or that we made Him in our image? This question assumes a lot, for one thing it assumes that God was created, which He was not.

And secondly, this question defeats itself; The definition of God is ‘Supreme Being’, the definition of ‘Supreme’ is ‘above all else’. So we cannot have created God because He is above us. If we had created Him, then we would be God. So actually, it is more likely that we were made in the image of God, but with our own free will so that we can choose how much we want to reflect Him.

Definitions: I’m going to start picking apart these words, by giving you their real definitions, because often these accusations are incorrect due to incorrect understandings of the words used.

Part 3: The God of the Bible is self admittedly Petty…

Petty definition: Of little importance; trivial.

To be honest I was kinda shocked that someone even thought they could get away with saying this, especially when claiming that the Bible supports it, but okay, here we go;

I will just state some of the names which are used in reference to God (by the way, the reason they didn’t use His actual name, which is Yahweh, is because they knew that they were not worthy to even speak His name) as I don’t believe this is really something that needs more of an answer.

-The Name above all names

-The Great I AM (this name was significant because the ancient people recognized that everything they knew had to be created, so for God to have introduced Himself at one point as ‘I AM’, was to say that He is, was, and always will be.)

-The Ancient Of Days (Because He has always been there)

The list goes on. I don’t know the exact number, but there are approximately fifty names which were used in reference to God. But basically, you can see in His names alone, that God is far from petty.

Part 4: Jealous…

Jealous Definition: As it turns out, there are three types of jealousy in the dictionary, and each are different.

1: Feeling or showing envy or someone or their achievments or advantages.

2: Feeling or showing suspicion of someone’s unfaithfulness in a relationship.

3: Fiercely protective or viligant of one’s rights or possessions.

...concerning the land of Israel… Thus says the Lord God: Behold, I have spoken in my jealous wrath, beause you have suffered the reproach of the nations. ~Ezekiel 36:6

All throughout the Bible, there are mentions of God being a jealous God. In those verses it is always demonstrated that the type of vengence the writer is talking about is types 2 and 3, not type 1.

Type 2: Used in cases which people who promised to follow God with all their hearts, but turned away later.

Type 3: Used in cases which followers of God, or children, are being abused and mistreated.

Conclusion: Is God jealous? Yes, in the ways I specified God is jealous, and I challenge anyone to find something wrong with that.

Part 5: Vengeful- just like we are.

Vengeance Definition: Punishment inflicted or retribution exacted for an injury or wrong.

Say to those who have an anxious heart, “Be strong; fear not! Behold your God will come with vengeance, with the recompense of God. He will come and save you.” ~Isaiah 35:4

Yes, God is vengeful, because He hates it when we hurt each other. Is there a problem with that?

Part 6: Is it not more probable that we made Him in our image?

No, it is not more probable that we made Him in our image. Here’s a couple things you left out;

-Do not lie.

-Do not covet (A.K.A want something which belongs to someone else, to the point which you want to steal it).

-Do not murder.

-Do not commit adultery.

-Do not have premarital sex.

-Do not look with lust.

-Do not steal.

-Do not bear false witness (meaning don’t lie about people).

-Do not hate, but instead forgive ALL.

-Love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute (or harm) you.


Do you really think that humans created a God who tells them to follow these rules? Do you really think humans would ever choose these rules unless someone very significant gave them these rules?

No, humans are far too selfish. It’s hard enough to follow these rules when you believe in the God who gave them, so anyone who made them up (if anyone even would) would never bother to obey them.

This leads to another interesting thing to consider; the ‘Christians’ who don’t follow these rules to the best of their ability. I would say it is a safe bet that they don’t know God enough to care about what He asks of them, and perhaps even call themselves ‘Christians’ just to look good.
Note from Mckenize;
I only answered one of the accusations posed this week, because this one went all over the place. Thank you for your patience.

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