17: Inconsistencies and Evil.

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17. Genesis gives two factually different accounts of creation. The four gospels give two factually different accounts of Jesus' life. How can these conflicts in basic facts both be literally true?

Okay, let's start with the supposed two different accounts of creation:

A: Plants.
-Genesis 1 says plants and trees were made on the third day.
-Genesis 2 says plants were made after man on day six.

B: Fish and birds.
-Genesis 1 says fish and birds were created on the fifth day. And He made the birds out of water.
-Genesis 2 says birds were made out of the ground on day six.

C: Animals and man.
-Genesis 1 says the creatures were made before man on day six.
-Genesis 2 says animals were made after man on say six.

Here’s what happened;
Day 3: God made the plants.
Day 5: God made the birds out of the water.
Day 6 God made the animals and then man, then he made the garden and put the man in it.

Take careful note:

Now the LORD God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man He had formed. The LORD God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground- trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

~Genesis 2:8-9

Chapter 2 explains what was happening in the garden, while chapter 1 was talking about the rest of the world. God created the world first, then the garden. Trees good for food were placed in the garden, one of each animal came out of the ground for Adam to name them. And later he was given a wife.

Part 2: Jesus’ life.

Okay, I researched this a lot, read through several lists made by both Christians and non-Christians, but didn’t yield anything concerning. So I will address the minor issues I did find in one simple answer;

Every issue I found was minor details, and none contradicted the course of events recorded. The fact is, if they had every detail perfectly aligned, then it would be a story which they had practiced together, which would be a sign of conspiracy.

Think about it; they spent three years doing ministry with Jesus. If you had a friend for three years, which you spent every day with, would you be able to account for each detail correctly, and each story in the right order?

I highly doubt it, most people struggle to remember the past week and get the details straight. Remember, these are regular people we’re talking about.

If that answer isn’t satisfactory, please send me a list of the contradictions you want me to answer.

Conclusion; I find no contradictions, therefor I am dismissing these claims as false.

My Redo On The Matter Of Evil.

I know a lot of you have been just waiting for me to discover flaws in my reasoning, and that day has come. Thanks to a discussion with @thisisRoy (great guy, by the way) I found several areas in my reasoning about the existence of evil which needed to be tweaked.

Mistake #1: Clumping two questions together into one.

Before last week, I always clumped these questions together; ‘why does God allow evil to exist’, and ‘why does God allow Satan to exist’. So I will now answer the two separately, and during my answer, I believe you will come to understand why the two are separate.

Mistake #2: Thinking that Satan is the source of evil.
This one will be explained as I explain my new theology.

Why does God allow evil to exist?

What is evil? According to the Bible, evil is anything that is against God. It is not a living creature, it is a principle.

So if God didn’t allow the principle of evil to be present here on earth, then we would be left with no choice but to follow God. We would have no free will.

But this leads to another question; If free will comes with so much pain, then how can we claim that God is loving?

In the beginning God had three options;

A: Don’t create anything.
B: Create a world without morality.
C: Create a world a world in which the principles of both good and evil exist.

The only one of these three in which real love can exist, is the third, where the principles of good and evil are present. Without both, you cannot have free will and love at the same time.

If God created everything, then didn’t He also create evil?

Nope. Evil is anything against God, so it never needed to be created.

All that God created was good. Like a buffet, all the foods are good, but some shouldn’t be mixed, and some you shouldn’t have too much of. God warns us what not to mix and what the limits are to keep things good, but we don’t always listen. That is when good things become bad.

Alcohol was good at first, but when you have too much of it, it quickly goes bad. Sex was good at first, but when you have it in with the wrong people, or outside of other boundaries set, it becomes bad. Such is with everything in life.

Why does God allow Satan to exist?

Now we get to the tough question; If evil could exist without Satan, then why does God let Satan live?

First, He will stop Satan when the right moment comes. Hitler was allowed to continue his evil for a long time, torturing and killing millions, but he was eventually stopped.

God used the minimum amount of evil to do the maximum amount of good. What good came from WW2? Firstly it caused people to rise up, to fight him. It also caused them to give the Jews their land back, and made people more ready to defend them.

It taught us to be prepared for things like that. And through a series of events like that, America got the first Amendment, which is set up to ensure that the people can protect themselves if the government should try to ‘enslave’ them.

I don’t claim to know every reason why God allows Satan to exist, but I do know that good comes from evil, if we allow ourselves to learn from it.

So, that is my new and improved theology surrounding the existence of evil and Satan.

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