19: Abraham's Sacrifice.

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20. If your spouse told you that you had to prove your love toward him/her by killing one of your children, you'd think your spouse had gone insane. Yet this is what God told Abraham to do- and you don't think that's equally twisted?

First thing I want to point out is that this is not an accurate comparison, which you will see by the end of this. I also want you to put aside that emotional argument which is being made, and focus on what really happened; God told Abraham to sacrifice his son.

Let’s look at this from the side of the law; What laws are being broken here?

1: Man’s law.
The Bible says that we are to follow the law, obey our authorities. Now Abraham was the head of his tribe, most people know that, but what most people don’t realize is this; Abraham was the equivalent of a king. He was the law. So he wasn’t breaking the law of man.

2: God’s law.
God’s law is set up in the five books of Moses, and Moses came way after Abraham, so God’s law was not set up for all to see yet either. The only laws of God which were known is that we must obey Him.

3: Thou shalt not murder.
This is the part that most people seem to forget; Abraham didn’t actually kill Isaac! God stopped him, and sent a ram to take Isaac’s place. 

4: So if God wasn't going to let Abraham sacrifice his son, why would He bother telling him to do it?
Well I'll tell you one thing; it wasn't so Abraham could prove his love for God.

It was so God could prove His love for mankind. It was an illustration of what God was going to do for us.

Abraham was going to make the sacrifice to pay the fine for the crime of his tribe, and God made the sacrifice of His son to pay for the crime of His creation. He did this because He wanted us to be free from the eternal penalty of hell. 

5: So now I ask you what crime remains?

21. Why do believers not regrow limbs? Surely some of our heroes coming home from war with missing body parts are true believers, from believing families, from pious communities. Why cannot a single amputee with such a strong belief regrow a limb, or have some other miracle that would in no way be explainable by science?

First of all, there are many miracles which cannot be explained by science, and you don't have to look far to find them. The existence of space, time, and energy for example.

1: Now, why can a believer not grow a new limb?

The Bible never promises a life free from troubles, in fact it promises just the opposite. 

...In this world you will have trouble… ~John 16:33

So being a Christian does not mean that your life becomes perfect. But the verse goes on to say what it does mean;

But take heart, for I (Jesus) have overcome the world! ~John 16:33

Being a Christian means we have a place in heaven, a purpose here on earth, and a direct connection to God. We have hope. Atheists don't.

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