12: The Only True Religion?

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12. Jesus said "let he who is without sin cast the first stone". Why are so many Christians so judgemental then?

There are several ways of looking at this, but I’ll be the first to say that I agree, many Christians are judgemental, and that is wrong. However, the word ‘judgemental’ can be applied to many situations, so I believe that in order to properly address this question, I need to know what specifically is being referred to.

So, in the comments section, feel free to bring up specific circumstances if you like. But for cases in which Christians are being wrongfully judgemental I will say this; people are sinners, and ‘Christian’ is not the definition of a perfect person, but rather one who seeks to become closer to perfect.

People don’t always properly represent things they say they believe. Many people say they believe in human rights for any person, yet they believe that killing unborn babies is okay.

For this reason, you cannot always judge a belief based on those who believe it. To properly judge a belief, you must read the base doctrine of that belief in its proper context, and understand the implications.

13. Muslims believe theirs is the one true god too. And that they will go to heaven. And that anyone of any other religion will go to hell. These are all things which you believe too. How are you any different from them?

Well for one thing, the person whos example we are to follow didn’t go around killing and raping innocent people. But I assume you’re wanting a reason why Christianity makes more sense than other religions, so here we go;

There is no other religion which actually has the answer for how to enter heaven. They say they do, but their answer is either sacrifices and/or good deeds need to outweigh their bad deeds.

But the thing they don’t understand is this; God (the God who truly created everything) is perfect. So sin cannot be in His presence, because it would violate His holiness. No one who has sinned can enter into the presence of God.

A judge doesn’t judge a criminal based on what they did right, but based on what they did wrong. God is that judge.

We humans are so sinful, we cannot possibly pay back what we owe. We cannot possibly pay the fine for our sins.

But because God loves us, and wants us to be able to enter heaven despite our imperfections, He allowed His Son to pay the price. Only His Son could afford to pay our fine.

Now the debt has been paid, and now we can enter heaven if we accept the offer. No other religion deals with this problem, therefor, no other religion works philosophically. This is just one of the many reasons why other religions are wrong.

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