Chapter eleven: He's back but, who is she?

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 I woke the next day, scared of what is gonna happen. Okay, Amy! You got this! Then, I remembered Thomas, Minho, and Alby. I ran out of the hut to the doors. They were already open, and Chuck was there with everyone else. Most of the boys, except Chuck started walking away.

"Yeah! They did it!" Chuck yelled. I looked and saw the three boys coming over to us. Thomas and Minho dropped Alby into the board. I ran, and jumped into Thomas's arms. I hugged him, and he hugged back.

"Don't ever do that again." I said. We pulled away.

"I won't. I promise." He said.

"Did you see a griever?" Chuck asked.

"Yeah I saw one." Thomas said.

"He didn't just see it. He killed it." Minho said.

"Jeff and Clint, take Alby to the homestead, while the rest of us call a gathering." Newt ordered. The two boys took Alby, while the rest of us went to the meeting. I was in front of Frypan and next to Newt. Gally started the meeting.

"Things are changing. That's obvious. First Ben gets stung in broad daylight, and then Alby." Gally says. 

I tried to sneak a look at Newt,  I haven't talked to him since the kiss, but he caught me looking

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I tried to sneak a look at Newt, I haven't talked to him since the kiss, but he caught me looking. I quickly looked away.

"And our greenie here, who has taken it upon himself to go into the maze

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"And our greenie here, who has taken it upon himself to go into the maze. Which is a clear violation of our rules here." Gally said.

"Yeah, but he saved Alby's life." Frypan said.

"Did he? For three years, we've coexisted with these things. And now, our greenie here, has killed one. Who knows what this could mean for us. He has to be punished." Gally said.

"And what do you suggest we do?" Newt asked.

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"There's nothing left but to banish him

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"There's nothing left but to banish him." Gally said. Everyone started disagreeing.

"Minho, you were there with him. What do you think?" Newt asked.

"I think that in all the time we've been here, no one's ever killed a griever before. When I turned tail and ran, this dumb shank, stood behind to help Alby. Now I don't know if he's brave or stupid, but whatever it is, we need more of it." Minho said.

"So?" Winston asked.

"I say we make him a runner." Minho suggested. Everyone started arguing with each other.

"If you wanna throw the newbie a parade, that's fine! Go ahead! But if there's one thing I know about the maze, it's that—" Gally was cut off by the box alarm going off. Newt and most of the others went outside. I walked outside, and saw the box was coming back up. The top opened, and we all surrounded the box. Newt jumped in.

"Newt, What do you see?" A boy asked.

"Its a girl." Newt said. I looked down, and saw a girl with brown hair. She was asleep.

"What's that in her hand?" Gally asked. Newt pulled the note out of her hand.

"She's the last one, ever. What the bloody hell does that mean?" Newt asked. The girl suddenly jumped awake.

"Thomas." She said, then fell back asleep.

"Still think I'm over reacting?" Gally asked. 

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