Chapter fourteen: Goodbye Glade

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We both went to the banishing. I had my book and pen in my bag. Newt and I stood, side by side. The boys brought 'unconscious' Thomas and Teresa out. Oh yeah, by the way, Gally released Greg. Apparently, he needs him since we lost so many gladers. It's like Gally completely forgot about what Greg tried to do to me. They threw Thomas to the floor, and tied Teresa up. Gally said that this isn't a banishing, it's a offering. My hands were shaking so much, and Newt must have noticed, because he grabbed my hand, and gave it a squeeze, it comforted me. I didn't listen to Gally and Teresa arguing, because Ender was flying by my face. I put my hand up, and he landed on my finger. I smiled at him. He was such a sweet butterfly. My thoughts were interrupted by Gally.

"Tie him up." Gally said. The boys didn't move. "Did you hear me? I said tie him up." Gally yelled. The boys picked up Thomas, but he elbowed one in the stomach. Newt hit a boy in the back with his machete, Frypan cut Teresa loose, and Chuck came with our supplies. Thomas, Teresa, Minho, Frypan, Chuck, Newt, and a few others stood by the Maze entrance. I stood between the two sides. "You're just full of surprises, Thomas." Gally said.

"We don't belong here. This place, isn't our home." Thomas said. Gally looked at me.

"Amy, did you know about this?" He asked. I nodded. "How could you not tell me?" He asked.

"I'm sorry Gally." I apologized, as I walked over to Newt. Newt pulled me into his side. "But Thomas is right. We don't belong here, and if we stay here the grievers will come back, and kill us. We have to leave. But come with us." I begged. He was quiet for a minute.

"Good luck against the grievers." He said. I felt my heart break at his words.

"Wait, before we go." Thomas said. Thomas walked up to Greg. He punched Greg in the nose. "That's for touching my little sister." Thomas said. Wait, how did Thomas know about what Greg tried to do?! Newt pulled me with him, and we ran into the maze.

"How did Thomas know about Greg?" I asked Newt.

"I might have told him." He said. I stopped him for a second, and kissed him, hard. I pulled away.

"Thanks." I said, and began running again. Newt ran behind me.

"Shouldn't someone give a pep-talk?" Minho asked.

"Go ahead." Newt said.

"Be careful. Don't die." Minho said.

"Great, we're all bloody inspired." Newt commented.

"Everyone stay close, and keep up." Thomas said. We all stopped at a place in the maze.

"There's two grievers waiting for us. Of course WICKED knew we were coming." Minho said. Newt turned to me.

"Stay with Teresa and Chuck. You will be safe with them, okay?" Newt asked. I nodded. He kissed the top of my head, and turned back to Thomas. I walked closer to Teresa and Chuck.

"We make it out of here, or we die trying. Ready?" Thomas asked. The gladers all responded. "Let's go!" Thomas said, and they all charged at the grievers. Suddenly, the key was knocked out of Chuck's hands, and he ran after it. He caught the key, but he was leaning over the side too far. I ran over, I tried to pull him up.

"I got you." I said.

"Pull me up! Pull me up!" He said quickly. I pulled him up. We ran to Teresa, and grievers started chasing us.

"Thomas!" I yelled. The boys all looked, and attacked the grievers. The key opened a tunnel.

"It worked!" Chuck said.

"Chuck, go on!" Thomas yelled. Me, Chuck, and Teresa went to the tunnel.

"There's got to be a way out!" Teresa said

"It won't open." Chuck said. The tunnel opened a lock. The computer keys consisted of only numbers. We need 8 numbers. Teresa went back to the boys.

"Thomas! We have a code! 8 numbers!" Teresa told him.

"Hey Minho! What's the sequence?" Thomas asked.

"What?!" Minho asked.

"The sections of the maze! What's the sequence?" Thomas asked again.

"7! 1! 5! 2! Uh 6! 4! —" Minho stopped. I looked back, and saw a griever on top of him.

"Minho!" Newt yelled.

"Get off of me!" Minho told the griever. Jeff attacked the griever, and it got off of Minho. Unfortunately, the griever took Jeff. Jeff was like my best friend, and now he's gone. I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

"JEFF!" Winston yelled, but he knew he couldn't save Jeff. All I could hear was Jeff's screams.

"4! 8! 3! That's it!" Thomas said. Teresa typed in the numbers, and the lock said complete. We look back, and the top of the tunnel closed on the grievers. Suddenly, a door shuts us in the tunnel. And a door behind us opens. 

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