Chapter fifteen: I Belong to The Maze

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We all walk out, and were in a tunnel. I grabbed Newt's hand, and we linked our fingers together.

"Where do we go now?" Minho asked.

"This way." Thomas said, and we followed him down the dark tunnel. We stopped by a door, that had a sign saying EXIT on top of it. Really? I thought.

"Seriously?" Frypan asked.

"It's not even funny." I said. Thomas opened the door, and I could see dead bodies on the floor. We walked by a window, I looked in the room, and saw two dead bodies covered up by a sheet. Newt pulled me away from them. Newt and I walked up to a computer.

"So they were watching us." Newt said.

"Hi. My name is Ava Paige." A woman said on a computer, Newt and I walked over to it with the rest of the group. "If you're watching this, then you successfully completed the Maze Trials." Ava said. I zoned out, when she started showing people dying from fires, and a sickness. "But remember....." she said as she put a gun to her head. Newt turned my face into his side, so I wouldn't see. "WICKED is good." She finished, then pulled the trigger. I flinched when she did. Thomas started walking to Ava's dead body, and we all followed. But we all stopped when a door opened. Light poured into the room, from the outside.

"She said we were important." Newt said.

"What do we do now?" Minho asked.

"Let's get out of here." Thomas said.

"Come on." Newt said, as he pulled my hand.

"No." A voice said. I turned around and saw Gally holding a gun and a key. He was stung. He tossed the key to the ground. "We can't leave." He said.

"We did. Gally we're out. We're free." Thomas said.

"Free? You think we're free out there? No. No there's no escape from this place." Gally said as he pointed the gun at Thomas.

"Gally Stop please! You know we can't stay here, and killing Thomas won't change anything. But we can all get out of here, together." I begged.

"I'm staying, and so are you." He told me. "It's either you stay here, or I kill Thomas." Gally said.

"No." Newt said stepping closer to me. I put my hand out to stop him.

"It's okay. As long as you guys get out." I said.

"No, Amy. We're not leaving you." Newt said. I cupped his face in my hands.

"You have to. If it saves you, then I'll be fine. Gally won't hurt me. I know he won't. Just get out, and don't come back here. Even for me." I said. I turned back around. "I'll stay Gally, but please just......don't kill

Thomas. Please." I begged. He slowly pointed the gun at the ground. I walked over towards Gally. He grabbed my wrist, and pulled me behind him. He raised the gun again at Thomas.

"I belong to the maze. We all do. I'm sorry Amy." He said.

"No!" I shouted. Everything happened all at once. Gally pulled the trigger, Minho threw a spear into Gally's chest, Newt ran to me, and protected me with his body from Gally. Gally fell to the ground. I looked at Newt, and he wasn't shot. He looked at me.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

"Yeah. You?" I asked. He nodded.

"Thomas." I heard a really small voice say. I looked behind Newt, and saw Chuck was bleeding through his shirt. He was about to fall to the ground, so I dived down, and caught him. I laid his head in my lap, as he talk to Thomas. I felt tears coming to my eyes. I didn't listen to the boys conversation. I looked over at Gally. I saw he had tears in his eyes. I gave Chuck to Thomas, and I crawled over to Gally. I put his head in my lap. I ran my left hand through his hair.

"I'm sorry Amy." He said.

"I know. It's okay." I said. I really did forgive him. He was stung. He wasn't in control of his actions. I hugged his head. "I forgive you." I said.

"I love you." He said, and slowly closed his eyes. He was gone. I started crying. Not only did I lose Jeff, but now I'm losing Gally and Chuck.

"I love you too." I whispered. It's true. I loved him like family. He was my family. I knew how he felt for me, but I didn't feel the same way for him. I pressed a kiss to his forehead. Goodbye Gally. I slowly put his head down on the floor, and got up. I walked over to Newt, and he hugged me. Some soldiers came in, grabbed us, and started pulling us out of the room. I walked with Newt to where they were taking. We walked outside and saw they were taking us to a helicopter. I was surprised I remembered what a helicopter was. Newt picked me up, and put me in the helicopter before getting in himself. Newt sat down, and I sat against him. The soldiers brought everyone in, and closed the door. A soldier was in with us.

"You guys alright? Don't worry. You're safe now." He said. I didn't feel safe. I felt unsafe. I hugged Newt, and he hugged back. We all looked down, and saw the entire maze. "Relax kids. Everything is gonna change." The soldier said. I saw Ender by my window, I smiled at him. To be honest, I was gonna miss the Glade. But we had to get out. And I somehow knew, wherever Newt and Thomas are, I am safe. And hopefully I can keep them safe. Because they are my family, and I protect my family. 

End of book one.....

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