Getting to Know Each Other

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Author's Note:
Hello! swaghetti_123, here! I'm back with the 5th chapter of Fear of the Innocent Flame🔥🔥!
Hope you enjoy and have a nice day!❤️

Natsu's POV

Even though I just met this woman, I feel like she is already my best friend. I don't even know her name, yet. She is being so kind to me. No one has ever tried to help after I steal from them. Not to mention, she is also very beautiful...

I know this woman is trying to help me, but I feel like I don't deserve it. After all, I did try to take her friends. I still feel really guilty... She has completely forgiven me, but I haven't forgiven myself.

"Hey, do you mind curry and rice, um... sir?" the woman asked sweetly to me. God, I don't deserve her kindness.

I then replied, "Um, I don't care. Make whatever you like since your cooking. My name is Natsu Dragneel by the way. If you need any help, just ask." I smiled my big, toothy grin as I said this.

Lucy's POV

Wow, his smile is so cute! And he is so kind to offer help. I guess he is quite the gentleman, I thought to myself. I realized I had been staring at him and I quickly looked away from him to not show my embarrassment. My face is probably on the verge of being a tomato!

I turned my body instantly towards the kitchen and slowly walked in to start cooking dinner. I had to buy double what I originally needed since I have a guest. It has been a while since I have talked to anyone, besides myself. I hope he enjoys my cooking.

As I was washing and rinsing the rice, I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was, of course, Natsu.

"I never caught your name ma'am. I told you mine so could I know yours?" he asked me with a little shyness present. I then suddenly realized I had probably seemed rude when I left the conversation we were having earlier.

I immediately apologized by saying, "Oh! I am sorry, Natsu. You told me your name earlier and I should have told you mine then. How rude of me! My name is Lucy Hea-- um, actually forget the last name." I sweatdropped, I had almost told a stranger my last name. I could have given myself away.

Natsu tilted his head, showing he was confused but shrugged it off. He then asked me, once again,"Do you need any help?" I started to think of anything he could do to help. I looked at the, now cooking, rice and then back at him.

That was when it hit me! " You can help by taking a shower. You look like you just washed up from a nearby sewer! And, not to be rude, but you smell like crap... I can give you some dry clothes to put on after." When I said this, he gave a quick nod and... saluted me? I let out a chuckle. His face was serious when he did it too. So childish...

I showed him the bathroom and I grabbed an oversized t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants I had. They looked like they might fit him. The only way to know is if you let him try it on.

"Will these fit you, Natsu?" I asked him while letting him look at the clothing.

He blushed as he replied, "These are just fine. Thank you for helping with this. No one has ever treated me with such kindness." His expression changed as he said this. Natsu went from blushing to an expression of pain and sadness. When he took the clothes from me, I gave him a comforting smile.

As I left him to take his shower, I thought to myself, his life seems kind of rough. He might understand the situation I am in. My thoughts got interrupted when I heard him call my name.

"Lucy! How do I work this thing!?" he yelled for me. I helped him with turning on the shower and I showed him how to work all the other stuff in the bathroom. He looked amazed and excited at all this. When it seemed like he got the hang of it, I once again left him.

I started back to the kitchen, to realize I forgot about the rice. I ran to the rice cooker and turned it off. Phew, it isn't totally burnt. I hope the curry will mask the overcooked rice.

No One's POV

Lucy is currently doing the finishing touches on the curry and preparing the table for the two to eat dinner. Natsu is almost done with the task he was given. He took it very seriously and made sure to clean every inch of his body. After all, this was what Lucy said would help.

He put on the t-shirt and sweatpants and found that they fit him. Natsu then proceeded to look at himself in the little mirror above the sink. This was the first time he had seen his reflection in years. In the forest, he would look at himself in the water.

Before leaving the bathroom, he decided to shake off the water in his hair. He looked like a wet dog as he did this. The pure, innocent child did not realize that he made water go everywhere, causing a mess. But, Natsu felt ready to exit now.

As he entered into the rest of the apartment, the smell of food hit his nose like a bat hitting a baseball. He followed the succulent scent and it led him into the kitchen with a small dining table off to the side. Lucy was actually standing there waiting for him.

Natsu walked over to the table and saw the food she prepared. When he saw the food, he began to drool. She saw Natsu drooling and giggled at his childish behavior. It looks delicious!

He sat down as she did the same. Natsu, of course, thanked her again for the hospitality before digging into the steaming, hot curry and rice.

Lucy was astonished to see him quickly devouring the food on his plate as if he were a vacuum cleaner. She didn't say anything about that but decided to make some sort of conversation between each other.

Author's Note:
Thank you for reading this chapter! ❤️Please comment and vote if you enjoyed it!
Also next chapter is still in the works and hopefully will be out sometime next week.
Bye bye till then!💕

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