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Author's Note:
Hey Y'all! It's Swag~Chan! I have nothing to say here... So...

Enjoy this chapter!💕💕

"Mindy's" POV

I don't know if I thought all this through... I did not think she would pick the option of me replacing her. But Mindy did, so I have to live with that.

I got to try my best to look the part.

First, I hid Mindy's unconscious body in her bathroom. Hopefully no one will ask for the restroom...

Second, I used my given powers to transform into my victim. I looked over Mindy's body to morph my own to look exactly like hers. It took a while to be an exact replica to the original, but my job was clearly flawless.

Third, I made the room look as normal as possible. I pushed the chair back into the table and picked up anything I may have knocked over when I barged in here.

I even did a little rummaging through her stuff to learn more about her. I started by looking through her desk. It is littered with piles of papers. Most of them were just bills and mail advertisements. The ads were mostly for cooking items or gourmet foods. She must love to cook.

My knowledge on who Mindy is is expanding. I know she likes to cook and I even found an eviction notice in the trash. That would explain the many bills not paid for on her desk. She's broke. How pathetic! (That's rude, Imitatia!😡)

I learned a few more personal things that might help me, but, overall, I found that this person is very dull and downright sad. It should not be hard to trick those that know her.

After I was done researching, I had nothing else to do but wait... for Lucy to come to me.

Natsu's POV (Wow! Haven't done his POV in a while.😱)

It's been a total of three days since Mindy left our apartment after Lucy told us about her current predicament. That means I have had to deal with Lucy's puppy eyes for those three days. It is so hard to resist them!

She misses being outdoors, but I care too much about her to let her put herself in danger.

But I hate seeing her cooped up in here... What should I do!?

Well, there are only two real options...

One, being that I let her go outside. She will be happy but at the slight risk of being caught and taken away. I guess I can just be really careful about where we go and what we wear... I don't like doing something risky though...

Two, being that I keep her here for eternity and protect her, but she will be miserable. She would despise me and our relationship we have built, as friends, would vanish.

I don't think I want that for Luce... At first, I thought there were two options while, in reality, there was only one.

I can't cage her like an animal... I love her too much to force her to be miserable.

Wait... Did I just use the word 'love'!?

As I was thinking, a flashback from a few days ago popped into my head.

"Hey, Natsu. Why are you staring at Lucy like she is your next meal? You know, if you are still hungry I could make you more food." Mindy, saying this to me, brought my staring to a halt.

"Uh, no. I am not hungry! I think I am just tired... or something... Just got lost in space I guess?" I chuckled nervously.

Mindy lifted one of her eyebrows, looking like she saw right through what had happened. She smirked at me before she exited the apartment and waved goodbye.

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