"The Food That's Right"

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Author's Note:

Hey, amazing people! Swag~chan is back with the 12th chapter of Fear of the Innocent Flame🔥🔥!!

Before this chapter begins, I would like to thank you all for 1,000 reads! I never thought in a million years that I would get that many. So, thank you thank you thank you!! I honestly can't say thank you enough. Plus, I have also reached over 100 votes which is awesome!😆❤️

I am glad you have enjoyed thus far.

Without further delay, here is the next chapter!💕

Lucy's POV

Light slipped into my eyes as the noon sun made its way through my curtains. I sit up with a yawn and rub my sore eyes, trying to wake myself up.

"What happened last night?" I say aloud, but quietly to myself. I glance around the room until my eyes landed at the sleeping boy next to my bed. Why is Natsu in here?

It didn't take long to remember the events last night. Mom...

I feel a lot better now after I slept. The realization that I will never get the chance to see her again has set in. Well, I'll see her in heaven and I can write to her regardless! I tell myself. It makes me feel way better thinking of writing to her in heaven. I better go write to her now!

I step off my bed on the opposite side, so as not to wake Natsu. I then look at the clock on my wall. It is 12:30 pm!? Why did we oversleep!? I exclaimed in my mind. I walked to my desk and grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil.

Before I leave my bedroom, I notice Natsu doesn't have a blanket around him. I kindly wrap a blanket around his broad shoulders. I chuckled mentally, Sleep tight, my errand boy~!


Natsu's POV

I woke up to something horrible... Luce wasn't in her bed. Where is she!?

Before I was about to zoom out of the room in search of her, I felt something slide off my back. I picked it up and sniffed it. Lucy's scent... She must have placed this blanket on me. How sweet... the smell is. I can inhale this all day!

Her scent for some reason made me calm down. I did not run out of the room in a panic. I walked out and saw Lucy sitting on my "bed". "Oh! Good morning, Natsu! Well, actually its already the afternoon... Anyway, did you sleep well?" she greeted me with a smile. I could get used to this. (Wink Wink Nudge Nudge)

I said in reply to her nice greeting, "I think I slept better in that position than the couch. I am fine with sleeping on the couch! But sleeping in the chair with my head against the bed was so comfy."

I want to be fully honest with her. Even if she doesn't know about my power, I will never lie to Lucy unless it is needed.

Luce's face brightened up a bit with my response. She thinks about it. Luce then tells me, "I didn't mind you being in there. Would you like to... make it your... permanent bed? You know... the chair?" She seems embarrassed. Why would this be embarrassing? (He is so clueless...😅)

"I will only do it if you are ABSOLUTELY okay with it." I really emphasized the 'absolutely'.

Luce pauses for a good minute or so. "Yeah, I don't mind. I trust you to be in my room. Also, you don't snore so I don't have a problem with it!" She snickers.

My heart flutters at her laugh. My heart flutters when she says cute things. My heart flutters in general when I am around her. I have no clue why, but I love this feeling.


Lucy and I, after the bedding arrangement conversation, decided that it was dinner time. She took the paper she had written on with her to put it away. (The paper is her note to her mom. Btw!😊)

As she is leaving, she asks, "What should we order? I can't make any more food here because we ate all of it. We must have been hungry!" her cheery self is wonderful. I hope she never changes.

I wait for her to return to the living room before saying what I thought. "Hmm... I feel like something Mexican. I love spicy food. Maybe we could get tacos or burritos? What do you think Luce?" Her face looked at me with a sign of disagreement.

"I don't know. I am not really in the mood for that type of food. I am thinking more about Chinese takeout."

We are at an impasse... neither of us wants to budge. Game on, Lucy. Game on.

No One's POV

A mental timer was set for 15 minutes. The timer was there to give both contestants on "The Food That's Right" game show to research and be ready to present their findings. The prize at the end will be getting the other to cave in and agree with their choice of food. (Have any of you guys heard of the "The Price is Right"? That is the game show I based the name off of but the game part is not even close.😅😂)

Natsu will be presenting to persuade Lucy to want to get Mexican food while Lucy will be communicating about the wonders of Chinese takeout. With both of them, seething with confidence, the research began.

15 minutes later...

Today on "The Food That's Right" game show, we have Mexican Food vs. Chinese Takeout. Who will win the satisfaction of getting their way? Let's find out!

Natsu was the first to show his findings. "I am here to present the amazingness that is Mexican food. There are the juicy burritos that melt in your mouth with every bite. Getting all the cheese, meat, lettuce, and all that you want on it in one bite. Another delicacy is the simmering taco. Unlike the burrito, it loves to show off its contents. It usually consists of red, ripe tomatoes, shredded cheese, vibrant, green lettuce, and seasoned meat. Both of these amazing Mexican foods can be made how you like them. Who wouldn't want to dive into this goodness?"

Natsu finished his persuasive speech with a thank you and his signature grin. Lucy was practically drooling over the images he showed in a visual aid he prepared. Though, Lucy is too stubborn to admit defeat just yet.

Now, it's Lucy's turn. "That was great Natsu, but I am about to blow your socks off with the information I am about to share. This is the wonders of Chinese takeout!" She flashed multiple images of Chinese takeout before she began her speech.

Lucy was about to describe all of them until a lone audience member asked a question aloud. "What is that... thing?" he points to a picture of an eggroll, "Is that a burrito?"

This comment shocked Lucy. This is how I will win! Lucy said mischievously in her mind.

"Well dear Natsu," she started, "That is what is called an eggroll. Also known as the Chinese burrito." Natsu had fascination written all over his face. (Lucy is such a liar...😂😂)

She was about to continue but was interrupted by the pinky in the audience. "Alright, we will get Chinese takeout. Seems like a good compromise since they have burritos there too."

With that, Lucy is the winner of "The Food That's Right". (Great job, Lucy! Even tho you cheated!☺️😂)

Author's Note:

I hope you enjoyed this silly, adorable chapter! I hope it has been cute enough... let me know what you think in the comments and/or vote if you liked it!

Have a nice day! See you later!💕

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