The Knock...

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Author's Note:

Hello, author~chan is back! ❤️
Don't worry I am not dead! I don't know why but it feels like its been forever since I have published something. It hasn't though because the last chapter was one week ago...

Anyway, thank you for allowing this book to exceed 500 reads!😱 In honor of this milestone, I have a surprise! But you need to read till the end of this chapter to find out. Hope you like it!😊

Another thing, I have made a random book for my account. That will be the place where I shall update Y'all on how this book is coming and other random things. For instance, if I am unable to upload on a week, that will be the place to know that. So I recommend you to put it in your library to be up to date!

Without further ado, here is the ninth chapter of Fear of the Innocent Flame🔥🔥!!

Natsu's POV

I am sitting in the kitchen, watching Luce cook our breakfast. It smells so good! I think I might be drooling. I am so hungry right now I could eat a horse!

In my drooling phase, I did not realize Luce was talking to me. "Hey, Natsu! Stop drooling on the counter! This is where I am cooking the grub, and I would not like that to get in my food," she scolds me. By the time I ceased to slobber, there was drool all over the counter. It was almost the Niagara Falls, but it did not spill on to the floor.

Thank God! I thought to myself.

In response to her obviously angry remark, I sheepishly looked at her. My hand, unknowingly, made its way to the back of my neck, so I could scratch it out of embarrassment and regret. 

"My bad! I honestly could not help it because your cooking smells sooooo good, Luce!" I complimented her which received a shocked but appreciated facial expression from her.

Lucy cleared her throat before saying to me, " Thank you, I am happy to hear that. Though, I think it is best if you go and quickly clean up this mess. Breakfast will be ready soon, so you should hurry!" This put a smile on my face.

Yes, my 2nd task! I am definitely earning my right to stay here and learn to read! I squealed in my head as if I had won the lottery. ( I don't think Natsu noticed this, but all the tasks that have been given to him, so far, have been to clean up his own created messes...😂😂)

She leaves me to clean the mess and to finish cooking the delectable bacon in the sizzling frying pan. I begin to look around for something to use to soak up my saliva off the counter in the kitchen.

It took me a while to conjure up ideas, until; it hit me. I know what I will use to complete this really hard task!


As I am finishing my workpiece, I hear my name being called by... an angel? Am I going to heaven? Oh, wait... it's just Lucy. Though I could have sworn I heard an angel. Was it her? I'll never know!

"Natsu, breakfast is served," the person I thought was an angel said to me. My eyes started to glisten with this sudden realization, maybe she is an angel!

I will keep her identity safe! I won't tell anyone her secre--- my thoughts were rudely interrupted when Luce slapped my face with the spatula, she was using for flipping the pancakes. I rubbed the spot she hit and exclaimed, "What was that for!?"

"That was for not coming to eat right after I called for you. It is not nice to make the cook wait for you!" she stared deep into my soul as she told me this.

Before I could apologize, Lucy then slapped my face again with the same spatula. "Why did you slap me again!?" I am actually starting to get pi**ed off now.

Luce notices my frustration and decides to not yell at me. All she says is, "I hit you again because of the fact that your an idiot. You don't use bed sheets as a towel to clean up messes." She smiled at me and looked as if she was trying not to laugh. I stared at her, kinda confused on what she meant. How was I supposed to know?


No One's POV

Both, Natsu and Lucy have been thinking about how little they know about each other. They both want to ask the other what has been on their minds, but they're hesitant.

Lucy started to think this when Natsu had been repeatedly doing idiotic stuff, in her opinion. The look of confusion on his face during their conversation made her see that he did not understand what he did was not the right way.

Why doesn't he know how to do all these essential things? Lucy found herself thinking as they sat in awkward silence as they ate. Shouldn't everyone know how to clean up a mess and turn on a shower? I know he was homeless... but it still seems to be more than that.

On the opposite side of the table, there is a wild Natsu. He is free to roam within his mind, but something keeps occupying his thoughts. 

They are all on Lucy. 

He has been thinking about the day before when she was going to say her last name and then did not. It was odd and that smells kinda fishy to Natsu.

Lucy and Natsu kept sitting there, in silence, even after they finished eating. They would have sometimes accidentally made eye contact but then would quickly look away. Both of them were stuck in their heads, contemplating on what they should do.

Almost in perfect unison, they both decided to ask their lingering questions, "What is your last name, Lucy?" " Have you never been in a house before, Natsu?"

The questions, asked at the same time, had fused together, making it impossible to understand what the other was asking. They, once again, sat there in uncomfortable silence.

That uncomfortable silence will soon be broken by an unexpected knock at the apartment door.

Author's Note:

Who is behind the door? Will this cause trouble to Lucy and/or Natsu? Find out in the next chapter!

I bet you want to know the surprise! Well, drum roll please! (Can you actually give me one? In the comments? I don't know how to write it...)




The next chapter will be out later today! Yay!

Hope you like it and I always appreciate the votes and comments I have received on these chapters. Keep it up!💕💕

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