Trust is the Key

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Author's Note:

Hey guys! I'm back and clearly not on hiatus. For those that saw my April fools spoof chapter, would understand what I mean.😂

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this really long chapter of Fear of the Innocent Flame🔥🔥!! (It's almost 2000 words long! That's a record for me😱😱.)

Natsu's POV

Seeing Lucy's reaction to the information gave me an unsettled feeling in my stomach. She seemed angry... but also scared. I guess I can understand why she would be angry, but scared? What is she so scared about? What else has she held back from telling us? I thought to myself.

I looked at Luce as she tried to absorb this news. Her expression was blank; it was hard to read her.

It isn't like her to be like this. She is usually so chipper and bubbly. But at this time, she is neither of those things... I want her to be chipper and bubbly again soon... hopefully.

Lucy finally decided to speak after that moment of silence. "I-I should be the one that is asking for forgiveness. Mindy, I can't blame you for calling my father. I didn't tell you about the fact that I ran away from him. I should have told you both everything about my current situation when I first met you. But I struggled with trust, at first... I couldn't just tell you!... I also was scared you would leave me if you knew... I had to get to know you better. I can now say though, with full honesty, that you two are my best friends that I can trust with my life!"

Lucy looked so gloomy as she spoke, but towards the end she found a sort of strength. I could hear it in her divine voice. It was like Lucy was a small seed in the soil that one day gained the ability to sprout out of the dirt and reach for the sunlight.

To show I was listening, I asked a question. "Soooo... Luce, why did you run away from home? Also, you never answered my previous question, about your "dream"," I emphasized quotations in the air to show the sarcasm. It clearly wasn't a dream she was having... it was a nightmare...

"Don't worry! That will be explained with everything else. So I ran away because--"

Lucy was interrupted by none other than her stomach. When she realized the sound came from her, Luce began to blush out of embarrassment. Adorable~

I chuckled, "Well, someone is hungry! I would offer you breakfast in bed, but, according to your alarm, its way past noon. So, what do you want for supper in bed?" I grinned at Lucy's face that showed a smile.

I am glad I was able to wipe that frown off for the time being...

"Why are you asking, Natsu Dragneel? I know you can't cook!" she huffed, jokingly.

I pouted, "I can to! I can make water... and- Oh! Also milk. That's my specialty!"

Lucy cackled so hard from my 'cooking' skills that she almost couldn't breath from laughing for so long. Mission make Lucy happy is a success! I mentally noted.

"Kids these days... they make no sense! Obviously, water and milk can't be cooked. It's just plain stupid. I remember when the best joke was 'Why did the chicken cross the road?'! Those were the days..." Mindy clearly didn't understand the purpose of my joke. Oh well! I honestly don't care if she got it as long as Luce did.

Mindy then got up and said, "I'll make the food while you tell us your story. Come on, let's go to the kitchen!" I listened of course and left the room, closing the door behind me, so Lucy can change into more, than already, comfortable clothes. (Yeesh! I tried my best to write that, but it sounds weird...😅)

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