Big Mistake

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Author's Note:
¡Hola mis amigos! Swag~Chan is here with the next chapter. I hope you enjoy!💕

(Sorry for short A/N. Didn't have anything to say...)

Unknown's? POV

"Mr. Heartfilia, someone is calling on your hotline. It may be important, so you should take it in your office," my obedient worker says to me. That puts a smile on my face.

This will be the first lead to my w- Lucy coming home. I have missed her so much! Why did she leave her own hu- father in the first place!? She was happy here and then she just left without saying goodbye.

When I see her next, I'll make sure she gets a WARM welcome. The thought of her returning makes me grin and laugh. Not a maniacal, evil laugh, but an excited chuckle. I am such a loving father for searching for my lost, missing child. She should be happy I didn't give up on searching for her. Lucy is obviously going to die on her own out in the real world. She needs me to help guide her through life. After all, she is supposed to be my everlasting partner. Right?

I finally get to my sanctuary, the only place I'd rather be. The phone rings twice and has a bell chime as its ringtone. It is quite annoying, but it is effective in making me go and pick it up to stop the incessantly, irritating sound.

I answer the phone with, "Hello?".

There was no answer...

"Hello?" I say again, falsely lacing my voice with worry. I don't care about this person... all I care about is the information they carry.


I have been on the phone for what feels like 10 minutes and all I hear is a snore, like a growl, coming from the beast on the other end. I have had enough of these shenanigans!

I pressed the intercom on my desk and said into it, "Michelle... track where this number is coming from and send one of my strongest men to check this out. If this is a prank call, order them to slit their throats... WITHOUT HESITATION!!" This call had originally made me skip to my office but now... I am not skipping. I am stomping with anger. They will pay...   if they don't have anything useful.

And if they do... I don't know what I'll do to them after I get what I want.

Mindy's POV

Ugh, why do I feel like s***? I mentally whimpered. I feel like I just swallowed a block of iron and I'm too heavy to lift myself up.  Wait, did I gain weight!?

With that thought, I pushed myself up, off my desk chair, but fell back down immediately after. My world seemed to be spinning and spinning. I think I am going to throw up!!

I put my hand tightly around my mouth and dashed to the toilet. I barely made it before I spewed my guts out. It seemed that after doing this that block of iron I swallowed vanished. Thank God for that! I praised in my head.

When I was finished, I stumbled to my feet and started to run a bath for myself. I need to get this icky feeling I feel off of me.  A nice, warm bath should do the trick!


I probably soaked in the bath water for 30 minutes before getting out. I would have stayed longer in it, if it weren't for the water getting cold and my skin turning into a prune. Anyway, I need to start my day, so I guess it's a good thing I had to leave the tub.

My main task for the day is to remember what I did last night. Something in my gut is telling me that I did something horrible. Or it could be that my stomach is still upset with me from earlier.  All I know is I definitely had a hangover. There is no other explanation for hurling like that. To search for answers, I should start where I woke up. My office desk... It is the obvious place to start at!

As I am approaching the desk, I noticed the phone was askew, not in the right place. It normally is standing on the charging port, but it is sitting out in the middle of the flat area on my desk. That's odd... did I call somebody? I thought, perplexed as to who I called.

I went to the phone to check who I recently called, but before I could get there I tripped over the trash can next to my old, rickety desk. "WHO PUT THE TRASH CAN RIGHT WHERE I WAS WALKING!! Honestly, this is my f*****g life in a nutshell!" I yelled aloud in anger. My life is this waste bin... always being kicked around and only good for garbage. Yep, that sounds like me!

The crap that was in the litter basket went all over the floor. I bent down on the ground, practically breaking my back in the process, and put it all back in.

I lazily put it all back, not really paying attention to what I am doing. Then, my hand grabbed something that looked familiar to me. I stopped what I was doing and unraveled the paper. The crinkling noise rang throughout my room as I carefully opened it. It only took a few seconds to finally see what it was.

I think my heart died when I realized who I called... I called the Heartfilia Hotline...

Author's Note:
Oof... So... Did you enjoy this chapter? What do you think will happen now that Mindy knows what she did? Comment what you think! I would love to hear your theories.

Thank you for reading and have a nice day!💕

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