Takeout and Bankruptcy

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Author's Note:

Hey, Y'all! Swag~Chan is FINALLY back! I am so so so so sorry for not being able to upload this Monday! I had so much class work and I was extremely exhausted.😓

I also wasn't sure about what the chapter was going to be about... that was until something occurred during lunch at school on Monday. It sparked inspiration!

So... here is the chapter that you guys have been patiently waiting for! Thank you for your support!💕☺️

Lucy's POV

Yes! I am going to get my Chinese takeout! I can practically taste the orange chicken...

Oh, great! I am acting like Natsu now! His personality is rubbing off on me. Not that I dislike it, but I am going to need to indulge in a good nonfiction book. I don't want his stupidity to rub off on me too.

As of now, I should focus on ordering our dinner! I am going to order for him since he has no clue what Chinese takeout is. After all, he kinda interrupted me while I was explaining the amazing Chinese food prospects. I am going to order about 10 egg rolls and 4 containers of orange chicken and rice. I think that should be enough for one starving, skinny woman and a bear with a bottomless pit for a stomach.

I settled the order and sat quietly on the couch... waiting for the greatness to arrive at my entryway.

Mindy's POV (Landlady)

Will this day ever expire!? This day has been so dreadful! I just can't even comprehend what has happened!!

My mailbox... is empty! There are no bills or taxes to be paid! (Ah... Dramatic as always...😂😅)

I prefer that there were some... so I can throw it all away. I can't pay for them! So, into the trash, they go.

I used to hate getting them, but, now that they have ceased to come, I miss the feeling of ripping it to shreds and pitching it into the trash can. I do question why there wasn't any though. Every day, for about 6 months, I have had mail come. 6 months ago was when I had initially gotten this residential building. I didn't purchase it, actually, my ex-husband did. He had these hopes and dreams of owning a 5-star hotel! But our income wasn't big enough to finance his ambitions. He left me for some young chick with a lot of capital. All he gave me was this building.

Pathetic right? Yeah, that is the story of my life.

As I am sulking, I hear a knock at my door. I lazily get up from my desk and shuffle my feet to the door. I unlock it and put my best scowl on. "What do you want?" that is how I addressed this person. This day is just not my day.

The male figure in front of me wore a suit and tie. He seemed like a very serious person. The gentleman starts by saying, "Ma'am, I am here to notify you that this building will be taken from you. You have not paid the bank what is due for you to own this place. So, we will be repossessing this complex in 30 days. That's how long you have to collect up your things and leave." After his speech, he flashed me with a bright yellow notice letter.

I am awestruck by what I am discovering. This is definitely not my day...

I seized the paper from his grasp and slammed the door in his face. Courtesy is no longer in my description for a person who just took all I have away.

I need to drown my troubles away with something strong... not coffee! But something to make me momentarily forget about my life.

Natsu's POV

I can't wait to enjoy the egg rolls Luce showed! I have numerous ideas of what they would taste like. I can imagine it tasting really meaty and filled with cheese and vegetables from different places in the world. My eyes are filling with tears as I am thinking about it. (Hate to break it to you Natsu, but it doesn't taste like that...)

A loud knock soon rang from the door and that could only indicate one thing... FOOD!!!

I was ready to pounce the door, but Lucy beat me to it. She must really be hungry. Luce doesn't get up that fast for nothing. I thought to myself as if I have known her for years when it has only been like 3 days.

She comes back with the food in hand. The arousing aroma awakened my senses and seemed to call my name. Can't wait to dig in!

As Luce is taking out the food, I am setting the table. We will be using paper plates with plastic silverware so there will be nothing to clean off. Well, except for the delicious contents that will be on the plate. I will be licking that up!

I finished doing my work earlier than Lucy, so I decided to sneak an egg roll from under her nose. I slunk over to the counter and carefully lifted my hand to grab one.

"If you are going to eat one before we officially are eating dinner... then I can have one too," Lucy says with a grin. Dang it, I've been caught. Again! How does she do that!?

I nod in agreeance and seize a helpless, but, delicious egg roll that I am going to ingest. The flavor my tastebuds tasted surprised me. This is definitely not a burrito! But, it is good so I'm not complaining. I chew it up and swallow my first ever eggroll.

By now, we are almost done eating. We have eaten all the egg rolls and we are down to the last carton of orange chicken. All the food I ate was so good! I do not regret letting Lucy win.

To be able to eat this food, Luce taught me how to use these things called 'chopsticks'. I thought at first you had to physically chop it with your hand. I did that and resulted in her laughing. I love that harmonious laugh of hers. It is music to my ears. Not to mention that she is so intelligent! I mean, how does she apprehend all this!?

I am not paying attention and both me and Luce go into the carton of food and grab the last and same piece of chicken. The most ironic thing is it is in the shape of a heart. They sure do shape chicken weirdly when frying it.

Lucy stutters, "U-umm... you c-can have i-it..." She is so embarrassed right now! It is really adorable.

I, of course, am a little flustered myself. But I don't want to show it. "No, you should have it. I am pretty stuffed and you did pay for all this." I responded.

Neither of us moved. Neither of us wanted to take it. We just sat there with our own chopsticks holding the same piece of orange chicken. We were once again at a standstill.

It didn't stay that way forever because Lucy suddenly had a confidence burst. "I know! Why don't we split the heart and share it? That way we both get it!" Lucy said, cheerful of her splendid idea.

Honestly, one day I hope to give her my whole heart as she will do the same for me.

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading! Tell me what you thought of it in the comments or maybe just leave a vote. Or both... That's nice too. 😋

By the way, the event that sparked part of this chapter was during lunch this week. I was eating orange chicken and the last piece of chicken, on my tray, was heart shaped. IT WAS SOO WEIRD!! I didn't know if I should eat it or leave it be. I asked my sister and she told me to split it then eat it. So, basically I ate a broken heart... I hope she didn't ruin my chances at love!!😅😂 (Love ya, sis!)

Till next time, I wish all of you a nice day! Bye bye!!😘

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