Looking for a better place •••••••••••••••••

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Jeongin felt his stiff muscles pull at each other as he tossed in bed

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Jeongin felt his stiff muscles pull at each other as he tossed in bed. He sat up and stretched, relieving the tension between his joints. He looked around the dark room and remembered the previous events they had endured. He almost laughed, remembering how they all almost died. That could've been it. Chan had guessed Jeongin was up by now, so he reached his hand across Jeongins chest and pulled him down onto the bed. Jeongin let out a little gasp when his head hit the soft pillow behind him. "Good morning, baby." Chan said sleepily. Jeongin allowed himself to smile wider than he'd smiled in years. "Morning Channie." He greeted back. "Where's my 'good morning' kiss?" Chan asked cheekily. Jeongin playfully rolled his eyes and kissed Chan's forehead. "I'll kiss your lips after you brush your teeth." Jeongin said. Chan groaned and pulled Jeongin closer to him. Chan was relieved they were both safe now. Maybe not forever, because Woojin would most likely have noticed they were all gone, and have his people searching for their cave. Chan knew he'd have to talk to his father later that day to warm him. "Chan?" Jeongin called. Chan hummed as his response. "Do you want to...maybe...shower together?" Jeongin asked. Jeongin was practically shaking. Chan sat up and looked Jeongin in the eyes. "Really?" Chan asked, his voice was a mixture between disbelief and excitement. Jeongin shyly shook his head and Chan smiled. "It'll be nice." Chan assures. Chan pulled Jeongin into a hug and Carrie shin off of the bed and into the bathroom. 'This is a good first step.' Chan thought, and so did Jeongin.

Minho woke up and felt something warm in his arms and against his chest. He didn't know what it was, but it was very comfortable. He cradled the warmth before him and rested his face against its...neck? Minho jumped away in surprise. He must've cuddled Jisung in his sleep. He looked at the sleeping boy and admired his face. He had beautiful skin, like Jeongins, and beautiful golden hair. Minho unconsciously smiled and stroked the small boys head. Jisungs eyes fluttered open and locked with Minhos. Jisung saw softness and security in Minhos eyes and felt safe and fuzzy inside. "Good morning, Hyung." Jisung said softly. Minho thought his voice was sweeter than anything he'd ever heard. "Good morning." He said back. Jisung though Minhos voice was husky and hot as hell. Maybe Jisung had developed a small crush on the werewolf he'd freed, and maybe the werewolf he'd freed had developed feelings for him as well.

Seungmin's head pounded and his body ached. He tossed in bed without opening his eyes and realized where he was. He recognized the smell of blood and medicine anywhere. The sheets were also thin, meaning he was in the infirmary and not tucked into his largely stuffed comforter. Seungmin opened his eyes and noticed he was t alone in his hospital room. A strange man was sitting in the corner, alseep. He was undeniably the most gorgeous being Seungmin had ever heard of or encountered. He nearly squeezed when the man licked his lips in his sleep. He also had a very pale complexion, much like Jeongins. 'He must be a vampire.' Seungmin concluded. "Hey." Seungmin called out, trying to wake the older. He didn't budge. Seungmin yelled louder, and louder, still nothing. Seungmin was getting annoyed, so he pulled off one of his shoes and chucked it right at the mans head. He hit the man straight on the head, because Seungmin's aim was always perfect, he never missed. "Huh?" The man said as he rubbed his head. He looked at Seungmin's annoyed face and put two and two together. "I'm Hyunjin." He introduced. Seungmin nodded, soaking in the new information like the sponge he was. "I'm Seungmin. What the hell happened last night?" Hyunjin recalled the previous nights events in great detail, from his perspective of course, and Seungmin nodded along, hanging on everyword. "Well, thank you for saving me." Seungmin thanked when Hyunjin has finished talking. "N-no problem." Hyunjin said shyly. Seungmin smiled and motioned for Hyunjin to sit on the bed next to him. Hyunjin obliged, but left an inch or so between them. "So, Hyunjin, lets talk." Seungmin prompted. Hyunjin noosed and they began talking about their experiences up until that point. Seungmin explained Jeongins situation and Hyunjin explained, in traffic detail, the torture Woojin put them through after they had gotten reassigned to him. Seungmin couldn't imagine anyone hurting Hyunjin. Seungmin hugged Hyunjin and told him he could stay here and never go back. Hyunjin was grateful and reciprocated the hug. He knew he was going to like it there.

Chan helped Jeongin out of the shower, they were both red faced and slightly confused. Chan expected Jeongin to have a slim figure, but his skin was softer than he could have ever imagined. Jeongin also assumed Chan was ripped, but not THAT ripped. His chest was like mountain formations! Jeongin shyly complimented Chan's body and made Chan flustered. They also peaked at each other's, uhm...attributes, and Jeongin nearly fainted. He didn't know they could grow to that size. They changed in silence, Jeongin decided to wear one of Chans big t-shirts. He didn't want anything fitting to his body right now. He felt more self conscious than ever. "You're beautiful." Chan said as he pulled him into a back hug. Jeongin blushed and sagged into
Chan. Jeongin felt content and safe. He realized he should probably tell Chan about his life after the war. He figured he'd want to know. Jeongin sat Chan down and told him of the horrors and crippling loneliness he endured. He tried to speak softly, he didn't want Chan to get upset, but that was inevitable. Jeongin stopped talking when he saw Chan's ears and veins twitching in anger. He lightly and slowly stroked Chan's veiny arm to try and calm him down, but he didn't know if it was helping or not. Chan knew he had to calm down, so he pulled Jeongin into his chest and held him. He held him for, who knows how long. "I will always protect you. I will always be there for you. I'm never going to leave you behind." Chan recited softly into Jeongins ear. Jeongin sniffled, fighting the water threatening to spill from his eyes. "I love you so much Chan." Jeongin sobbed. Chan kissed the top of his head and stroked his slightly damp hair. "I love you too, baby."
A/N: sorry this is later than usual ;-; I kinda lost internet for a few hours...

"———————————————————————A/N: sorry this is later than usual ;-; I kinda lost internet for a few hours

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