i hope some day ill make it out of here ••••

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Chan crept into the small cave behind the waterfall

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Chan crept into the small cave behind the waterfall. The smell was getting stronger and his senses were being overwhelmed. He didn't know if he was excited or scared, but he was definitely not okay. It had been five years since he'd last seen Jeongin, but he never forgot his smell. It was a mixture of berries and lemonade. Sweet and refreshing. Chan often dreamt of the moment he would reunite with Jeongin. Chan wondered if he'd look any different, if his voice was still the same, if his skin was still just as soft as it was before, or if he'd even gotten his braces off already. Chan's ears twitched at the sound of light breathing. He immediately began to hurry into the caves darkness. His eyes fell on a small figure cradled in a corner. He cautiously walked forward toward the sleeping figure. "J-Jeongin?" Chan called. It was softer and quieter than Chan had meant, but it stirred Jeongin nonetheless. He moved his head to the side, hitting it against the cave wall. He groaned and hissed. "Ow." Jeongin muttered lightly. He opened his eyes and saw a large figure standing before him. He gasped and quickly transformed into a bat. He wasn't going to die today! He spastically gained his bearings and flew past the figure and out the cave. Heavy heaps of water hit him as he flew through the waterfall. It was still daylight, but Jeongin didn't care. "Jeongin!" He stopped in his tracks and looked towards the cave. Their was a large wolf with grey fur running out of the cave. "What the?" Jeongin flew towards the lakes edge and transformed back into a person. Water was dripping from his skin and hair. He stared at the wolf and watched it contort into a human-like figure, but with large ears. "Jeongin?" The figure asked again. He knelt down to Jeongins' level and looked him in the eye. "It's me. Chan." Chan said softly. Jeongin shook his head and rubbed his tear filled eyes. "B-but y-you're dead Channie." Jeongin squeaked out. Jeongin reached his hand towards Chan's face and caressed his sharp jawline. Chan laughed and lowered his head. "I missed your touch." He admitted leaning into his hand. Jeongin blushed and removed his hand, looking away. "Y-you're not real. I've gone crazy." Jeongin spoke out loud. Jeongin plunged his hands into the water and splashed ice cold water onto his face. When he turned around, Chan was gone. "I knew it." Jeongin sniffled. Jeongin was suddenly pushed to the ground from behind. Chan hovered above him, their faces nose to nose. "I promised I'd find you." Chan whispered. Chan leaned down slowly, his eyes flicking between Jeongins' lips and eyes. He admires Jeongins' matured facial features. His chubby cheeks had seemingly disappeared, and his jaw was a lot trimmer. His eyes were magical and glossy with an emotion Chan couldn't fathom. Jeongin could feel Chan's breath brush over his face. Just the feeling was enough to confirm Jeongins' thoughts. Chan was a physical being. He was here and Jeongin couldn't believe his eyes. Chan's jaw has gotten a lot sharper and grown more defined. His dimples were still prominent with his smile and his hair looked softer than ever. He was suddenly overwhelmed with happiness. Jeongin wrapped his arms around Chan's neck and pulled him closer. "You're real!" Jeongin cried. He squeezed Chan close with everything he had. For years he had been depressed and lost without his other half, but now he was complete. All the resentment he held towards his father seemed to disappear when he nuzzled his head into Chan's broad neck. Chan held Jeongins' shaking shoulders and kissed his tears away, fighting his own. "I thought I lost you forever." Jeongin sobbed. Chan stayed quiet and rocked Jeongin in his arms. Both of them were glad Chan kept his promise.
A/N: I feel like this was kinda a lame chapter?

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