Always in my head space •••••••••••••••••••

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Jeongin and Chan sat on the bed, staring at its unmade sheets

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Jeongin and Chan sat on the bed, staring at its unmade sheets. "Are you sure?" Chan asked for reassurance. Jeongin nodded with determination. Jeongin only wanted to do this with Chan, and he wanted to do it now. They stripped of their garments slowly and shyly. Chan laid Jeongin down onto the bed and leaned in to kiss Jeongins sweet lips before trailing light kisses down his neck and pale collar bone. The marks were faint and small, but they boldly stood out against Jeongins porcelain skin. Jeongin arched his back and let out a strange hum-sound when Chan bit down on a particularly sensitive spot. Chan looked up and into Jeongins eyes. "Was that a good sound?" He asked hesitantly. Jeongin covered half his face with his arm, mostly to hide his blush, and nodded repeatedly. Chan smiled, thankful that he hadn't caused Jeongin any pain. Chan's marks began to get tougher and lower, eventually leaving strawberry-sized bruises all over Jeongins chest. Jeongin felt Chan's fiery lips pull at his skin and his teeth lightly grazing it. Chan's tongue swirled over his chest, making Jeongin shiver. Chan's hands stroked up and down Jeongins thighs. Chan lifted Jeongins thighs and bent them until they met Jeongins chest. He rubbed and sucked on the inner parts of his thighs, accidentally biting down at some points. Chan pulled back to briefly check Jeongins reactions. His skin was flushed and his body was littered with marks and love bites. Chan felt himself grow even harder than he already was. Jeongin looked delicious. Jeongin called out Chan's name as Jeongin teased his entrance. Chan noticed the slipperiness made it easy to slide his fingers in and out. He figured he'd give Jeongin a taste of what was yet to come. Jeongin soon became putty in Chan's hands. Jeongin remembered Chan telling him he'd never done this, but he seemed very naturally skilled. "Chaaaaan~!" Jeongin moaned. Chan stopped thrusting his finger and looked Jeongin in the eyes with shock. "What was that?" Chan asked. Jeongin blushed and held his mouth shut with his hands. "I liked it." Chan said huskily. Jeongin whimpered as Chan inserted a second finger. Jeongin tried to contain his random embarrassing noises, but it was no use. Soon, Chan inserted a third, and fourth finger. He was trying to stretch Jeongin to fit his size, but he still didn't know if it would fit. Chan probably would have ended up fisting Jeongin, but Jeongin stopped him. (Thank god) "Chan just do it already!" Jeongin yelled. Chan blushed and removed his fingers. Jeongin whined at the loss of warmth, but was still full of anticipation. He wanted Chan to use his body to pleasure him, like he'd just done to Jeongin. Chan lined his erect cock up with Jeongins hole and pushed the top against the entrance. "Breathe, baby. This might hurt." Chan warned. Jeongin gripped Chan's biceps and squeezed them tightly as Chan pushed himself further in. Chan groaned as Jeongins insides pulled and squeezed him. "Oh fuck." Chan cursed when he was all the way in. Chan's eyes almost rolled completely back into his head. He never knew this kind of intense pleasure even existed. Chan rubbed Jeongins eyes and waited for him to give him approval. "Chan, be gentle." Jeongin whispered. Chan complied and slowly began to thrust in and out of Jeongin. Jeongins quiet moans and whimpers filled the room. "Hnn~Chan hyung~" Jeongin moaned into Chan's ear. Chan felt his arousal levels increase and his thrust grew unconsciously faster. "Ugh-baby you're so hot." Chan grunted. Jeongin felt euphoria wash over him with Chan's comment. He was glad he was able to please Chan. Chan's grip on Jeongins thighs grew tighter and Jeongins hands found their way around Chan's neck and into his hair. Chan's thrust grew faster as he chased the build up in his abdomen. Jeongin was also to the point of screaming in pleasure, awaiting his own release. "Channie I'm gunna-!" Jeongin came onto his stomach and chest. His insides became immensely sensitive and Chan's thrust began to overstimulate him. He felt hot tears run down his cheeks as his vision flash white and his brain went blank. He screamed Chan's name and felt something hot fill his insides. He heard Chan moan out his own name and Chan's hands slightly trembled against his thighs. He was definitely going to have bruises from Chan's iron grip. Jeongin began to come to his senses as Chan slid himself out. Chan laid back onto his knees and stared at Jeongin lovingly as he panted, out of breath. Chan's skin was covered in sweat, but he looked undeniably hot. Chan admired his handy work and noticed his cum leaking from Jeongins hole. "Here baby." Chan said calmly as he wiped Jeongins sweat off with his shirt. He also wiped Jeongins hole and stomach clean of their fluids and kissed him with an out of breath kiss. They laid next to each other, in the now disheveled and dirty sheets, and held each other close. They sat in silence for a good ten minutes before Chan broke the silence. "That was amazing. We have to do that again soon." Jeongin giggled adorably and kissed Chan's slightly swollen lips with his own. "Definitely."
A/N: IM SORRY THIS CHAPTER TOOK SO LONG TO COME OUT! It takes me forever to be satisfied with the smut I write because I want it to be good? Like, not super cringey if I read it back, but it always seemed to be that way. I think I'm getting better at it, maybe I just need more practice. >\\\\<

This picture is so cute uwu

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This picture is so cute uwu

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