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"Well, I've been thinking (especially after this weekend)... I guess I've been thinking about this mostly because of this weekend and well... Do you think this is all worth it? Like do you think that all this backlash and danger is worth it? I guess what I'm trying to say is do you think that dating me is worth all the mess like having to hide, talking someone out of constant panic and anxiety attacks, maybe get your tires slashed, or having to run in a blind panic from someone that you shouldn't be scared of?"

"Yes it is, every relationship has it's ups and downs and it's rough parts but I am in love with you and I will always be by your side and I will always fight right beside you no matter what I don't care about the consequences or the backlash I will always be right by you."


"So yes you are more than worth it to me."

"Wait really?"

"You always will be to me."

Exerts of a Story I'll Never WriteWhere stories live. Discover now