Parking Lot (Edited)

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Toms POV/
I managed to clean up pretty nicely. My hair stuck up nice I was wearing a black skull shirt with a leather jacket over it, black ripped jeans, my checkered vans and a checkered bracelet. Now some would say I maybe looked 'emo' whatever the hell That's supposed to mean. I grabbed my keys walking out of my room towards the door. "um excuse me mister." Edd said in that mom voice. I groaned and turned around. Politely I smiled. "Yes Edd?"  "Where do you think you're going on a Saturday night?" He asked sternly, his arms crossed leaning against the wall, tapping his foot. "Out." Was all I said before I opened the door. "Out where?" He asked again. "To the fucking club, have a nice day." I said closing the door and walking to my car.

Bzzt bzzt!

I grabbed my phone that vibrated in my pocket from the incoming text.
I opened the phone to be greeted by a text from Edd.

I rolled my eyes.

If you get drunk please call us to pick you up! I don't want you to die driving home intoxicated.

I knew he cared. I responded with a simple 'Ok'. I then hopped into the car and drove off to the club.

Edds POV/
I held the phone to my chest, sighing after Tom responded. "One of these days he's gonna get himself into some real trouble and end up dead or something." Matt commented. "Matt don't say that!" I squeaked. I blushed. "Edd, Tom needs help before he does something irrational." Matt said Hugging me. "I know....just give him two more months." I said hoping Tom Can pull his act together. "Two more months, that's all he gets." Matt said kissing the top of my head.

Toms POV/
I walked in and immediately the smell of alcohol and sweat hit my nose, a smell I was used to. I immediately walked over to the bar and sat down Alone. "Bottle of Smirnoff please." I said to the waitress. She nodded and slid a bottle to me. I raised my bottle to her as a Thanks.

And that is where my night began. I could of never predicted what events were to come that night.

A new band started to play, a band I've never heard. Someone said something about this song being new and it's called parking lot or something? I don't know. I just drank a bit listening to the beginning of the song. The song made me smile, something I haven't done in a while. I stood up, now drunk as fuck. I started dancing.

I managed to make it towards the front of the stage, still dancing not giving a care in the world. The lead singer and I had made eye contact,  he smiled at me. I smiled back. A slight pink shade dusted my cheeks. He was cute, but waaaaayyyy out of my league. When the song ended everyone was cheering and throwing their hands in the air. I made my way back to the bar where HE happened to be sitting. I almost choked. I sat down next to him ordering another Smirnoff. "It's you!" He had said, I looked at him.

He was smiling. He wore a jean jacket and some black ripped jeans like me. He had brown eyes, chocolate brown hair and freckles scattered across his upper cheeks and the bridge of his nose. He was hot. "The names Elijah nice to meet you." He held out a hand. I shook it. "Thomas." I said. "That's a very cute name Thomas." making me blush, I giggled. "Thanks." I said.

The rest of the night we drank and drank laughing and getting to know each other until it was like 2am. "What'd ya say we head back to my place and have some fun?" He asked smirking. Now a normal sane Tom would say hell no and not let anyone take advantage of him. But Elijah was the first guy to ever show an interest in him and he was drunk as fuck so he said, "Sure let's go." With a smile plastered onto his face.

-Back At Elijah's Place-

As soon as we walked in the door Elijah's lips met mine, stealing my first kiss may I add. I craved more so I kissed back. I wanted this.

Bzzt Bzzt!

My phone started blowing up. I pulled away. "One second, let me take care of this." I said stepping away. I pulled out my phone texting Edd.

Where the hell are you?! It's  fucking 2am!

Send me the address of where you are I'm coming to get you!

Edd stop, I'm fine. I'll be home soon.

Be careful please! Use protection!

My face heated up.

Edd stop!

I shoved my phone back into my jacket pocket taking my jacket off and hung  it up. Elijah pulled me back into the kiss. He pushed his tongue towards my mouth asking for an entrance but I declined. He pulled me closer, squeezing my ass making me gasp. Giving him the perfect entrance and he took that opportunity. He started kissing my neck trying to find my sweet spot. Once he had hit it I moaned. Biting my lip, my face flushing red. I had never made that sound before. Elijah smirked. "Don't hide it, it's cute." I blushed even more. One thing led to another and you can see where this is going.

-Next Morning-
I woke up with a pounding headache. groaning, I looked around. I realized I wasn't in my room. Where the fuck was I? "Good morning." A voice said. I looked up to see a guy in some sweats, shirtless. His hair neatly atop his head. I blushed. "Did we?" I asked not wanting to say the whole sentence. He nodded. "Yea and you had a lot of fun." He smirked. My face flushed red. "Remind me of your name?" I asked trying to remember the events of last night. "Elijah." He said smiling. "Oh yes the singer from the club last night, I remember now." His smile grew even bigger. "Feel free to take a shower, you can borrow some of my clothes, and I'll make you some breakfast." I nodded getting up. I was only in my boxers. He walked out of the room. "Great Edds gonna have a hissy fit." I said to myself grumbling. I hopped in the shower and got cleaned up. I threw on some sweatpants and a light pink sweatshirt he had set on the bed for me. I didn't have a shirt underneath it. I combed my hair up, as I yawned and walked out of the room into the kitchen. He was whistling while finishing up the food.

"Woah it smells amazing." I said. "Anything I can do to help?" I asked. "No no this is on me, just sit down and be good." He smiled. I did as told and sat down as he handed me a plate of food. "Also here, it will help with the headache." He said handing me a bottle of water and some ibuprofen. I smiled slightly. "Thanks." He ruffled my hair slightly. We sat down and ate. Talking and laughing. "So was that your first time last night?" He asked. I blushed in embarrassment. "Yes.." "Really I wouldn't have guessed that." He said. my blush grew. After we were done eating Elijah offered to drive me home and I let him. Before I got out of the car, "I put my number in your phone so hopefully we can hang out again soon." He said as I smiled. "I'd like that." I got out of the car. I walked into the house mentally preparing for Edds wrath.

"THOMAS FUCKING ROCKWELL!!!!" I covered my ears as I looked at Edd, who had bags under his eyes. "WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU?! I WANT ANSWERS YOUNG MAN!" He grabbed  a hold of my sweatshirt collar. "Wow you don't fucking smell like puke and alcohol for once." He commented. "I took a shower this morning I met a...." I paused. Edd and Matt didn't know I was gay, well at least I didn't think they did, and if they did they never showed it. "I met a girl." I finally said. "THATS ALL IM TELLING YOU." Edd let me go, crossing his arms. I looked over at Matt. "Matt help a pal out?" I pleaded with puppy eyes pursing my bottom lip. "Sorry Tom you made my Edd worry about you like crazy, he wouldn't sleep till you got back and he's right, so sorry but your on your own." I whimpered.

"What was this girls name?" Edd asked. El-..... Ellie..." I crossed my arms looking away annoyed. "Did you guys do it?" I blushed. "I'll take that as yes, did you at least use protection?" I gulped. "TOM WHAT THE HELL?!, WE DONT NEED YOU GOING AROUND GEETING GIRLS PREGNANT!" He yelled at me, flailing his arms around. I wanted to tell them but I wasn't ready. I went to my room ignoring Edd, feeling like a disappointment....


Word Count: 1537

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