Im Back Bitches

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A/N: SIKE BITCHES YALL THOUGHT IT WAS OVER! 😂😂😂 Im so sorry for putting you on that emotional roller coaster but grab your Kleenex and wipe your tears because this story ain't over yet!

-No ones POV-
"Tord." "Tord!" Edd kept shaking Tord trying to get him to wake up as Tord was clearly having a bad dream. He was excessively crying in his sleep and he kept tossing and turning and mumbling things.

Matt shook him one last time. Tord jolted awake. He sat straight up and looked around. Edd hugged him. "It's ok." Edd soothed. It took Tord a minute to adjust. He wiped his tears. "W-wheres Tom?" Tord asked afraid of the answer.

"He's in the hospital still." Edd said. Tord sighed In relief. "I had a crazy dream, Tom died and I went to visit him at his grave and then I had a family." I explained.

-Tords POV-
"It's gonna be ok." Edd said. I nodded. "I want to be with Tom...I want to grow old with him and I want to have a family with him." I said. *Edd and Matt fangirling* "please get married as soon as possible!" Matt said. I blushed. "I would have to see what Tom thinks." I said.

-Timeskip at hospital-
I looked over at Tom. I was able to relax knowing he wasn't gone. Yet. I sighed.

"At least it was just a dream....I don't know what I'd do if it was real. It felt like it was never ending." I said.

"Matt and i are gonna go for a walk." Edd said. I nodded. They left and I pulled a chair up to Toms bed. I intertwined my fingers with his. I leaned my forehead against his bed for a few minutes...when all of a sudden....

(Drumroll please)

I felt a squeeze. My head shot up.

-Toms POV-
I opened my eyes squinting at the bright light surrounding me. I looked to my left. "T-Tord?" I asked in a raspy voice. "HOLY FUCKING SHIT TOM!!" Tord said. He pressed the emergency help button. I hugged Tord as hard as I could. And he did the same. Doctors rushed in. "Thomas you're awake! Welcome back!" His doctor said. Tord pulled away but i made sure our fingers stayed intertwined.

"We will have to run a few tests and see how you're doing." She said. I was nervous. I squeezed Tords hand and he squeezed mine.

I can't believe I'm here. I'm back! After not being able to touch him for so long. I was finally out of the darkness. My heart was racing. "We need to do run some tests, I'm sorry to kick you out sir but-" "no i understand." Tord said trying to let go of my hand. But I wasn't having it.

I held onto his hand for dear life. "C-can He please s-Stay?" I said terrified that if I let go I'd lose him. The doctor sighed. "Alright if it'll help you cooperate." She said. I smiled. A tear had run down my cheek.

I looked at Tord and he looked at me. Why wasn't he smiling. I frowned. "Tord Im sorry." I said. He looked confused. "No I'm sorry. I should of been there for you more." He said. "I shouldn't have pulled that stupid stunt! I could have lost you!" I said more tears spilling out of my eyes.

"I-I was miserable not being able to feel your touch....your warmth.....I looked death in the eyes, and everything was taken from me. I took life for granted....but not anymore. I want to live, and I'm not risking losing you again." I said. Tord smiled.

I flinched as a needle was poked in my arm to draw blood.

"I had a nightmare....that you had died... and on your 21st birthday I visited you for the last time.....I said my goodbyes to you and I left. And nine years later I came back, with a family. I showed them you....and it was miserable knowing I couldn't hold you....I couldn't see your face anymore, I realized that I want a family but I don't want one if it's not with you."

Tord said. Tears escaped his eyes. I pulled him closer to me and I wiped his tears.

I looked him dead in the eyes.

"Tord I love you."

I said. His eyes widened and I wasted no time. I pulled him in closer by the collar of his shirt and I kissed him. He was shocked but he kissed back after a second. Then he pulled away.

"I'm going to get better." I told him. He smiled. "I'll be here every step of the way." Tord said ruffling my hair with the hand that wasn't holding mine.

"Well it looks like everything is running smoothly so far, but we will have to keep you over night just to make sure, but you should be able to go tomorrow." The doctor said. I smiled and so did Tord. "Can He stay the night with me?" I asked the doctors.

"As long as you guys keep things PG!"

I giggled and Tord blushed looking away.

"I suppose your hungry huh?" Tord asked. I nodded. "I can get up and go get some of those jello cups." I said sitting up. Slight pain shot up my back and my still injured leg. I looked at my arms. "My scars are fading." I said. "Well would you look at that." Tord said.

"You better not add any more or we are gonna have problems." He threatened. I chuckled. "Wasn't planning on it." I said. "Help." I said reaching to him with my other arm.

He helped me out of the bed and it took me a minute to get balanced. I was incredibly weak and I needed to rebuild my strength. I had an arm wrapped around Tord and he had his arm wrapped around my side. "Are you ok?" He asked me. I nodded.

"Yep." I said. We walked out into the white halls that consumed this place. I pressed myself into Tord. Letting his scent wash over me. I was still so relieved that I'm here ALIVE.

"Oh my god Tom!" Edd and Matt ran over to us. I hugged Edd then Matt. And then went back to Tord for support. "How are you?" Edd asked. "Hungry." I said. Tord chuckled. "I'm so glad your finally awake!" Matt said. "I'm not gonna die that easily!" I said trying to lighten the mood. We all chuckled.

We all walked to get some pudding and jello cups. I sat down on one of the chairs in the lounge with Tord right next to me. I had to be touching him. I was terrified of losing him again.

*Edd and Matt looking at each other fangirling quietly*

I leaned my head into Tord as I ate the pudding. We all talked and spent the afternoon together and before you knew it, visiting hours were over and Edd and Matt left.

Tord carried me back tot my room because I was tired. He laid me down gently and I sat up. The doctor came in. I turned the bedside lamp on and she turned the room light off. "Before you go to sleep I want you to take theses." She said handing me two pills. I took them and she handed me a water bottle.

"One is a sleep aid, and the other is to help with stomach pains." She said. "Thank you." I said she nodded and exited the room. I scooted over and took the pills swallowing them. I patted the side signaling  for Tord to join me.

He was hesitant but he did. He had a blanket that he had brought from his house that he kept with him when he slept here I was told. It was my favorite blanket of his. He covered us up and he wrapped his arms around me pulling me close to him. I cuddled into him.

"I love you Tord."

"I love you too Tommy."

He kissed my head.

I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

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