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-A week later Toms POV-
"YOU FUCKING WORTHLESS SLUT!!!" My head hit the floor as I was pushed very aggressively. I sat up backing away shaking as Ely took a step forward every-time I scooted back until my back hit the wall. Ely squatted down to be eye level with me. "Oh Thomas look at you." He said smirking. His eyes were full of hate and lust and on top of that he was drunk. "Don't touch me!" I growled. Even though u was scared I still had to hold my ground. He moved his face closer to mine. "Or what?" He threatened.

"I'll punch that fucking smirk right off your face!" I spat at him, my eyes narrowed. He grabbed my wrists and held them up above my head against the wall. Squeezing them tight, his nails digging into my wrists drawing blood. I flinched. "What's wrong Thomas?" He sneered at me. I bit back tears. He roughly kissed my nipping my bottom lip. I turned my head away. Kicking trying to get away. "Mmmpphhh!!!!" He tried to force his tongue into my mouth but i bit it. He pulled away. "Oh so you wanna play it like that huh?"  He let go of my wrists and pulled me up by the collar of my sweatshirt.

He punched me in the eye and then the nose causing it to bleed. Everytime he hit me I fell down but got back up. He had taken his belt off and started whipping me. It raised my sweatshirt leaving my back exposed as I was crying and curled up in a ball just waiting for this all to be just a bad dream. He was whipping me harder to the point where it was tearing my skin and making my back bleed. I hated myself, i was so fucking weak and helpless!!! Then it all stopped. He pulled me up and looked me in the eyes. The black tears running down my face. "Your pathetic." He spat. Then he hit me one more time and I fell to the ground. And everything went black.

-timeskip next Morning Toms POV-
I opened my eyes after I felt something hit me. I was met with the bright sunlight. Where am I? I looked around and realized I was by a dumpster in an alley. My head started hurting and then everywhere started hurting and I couldn't move I was in so much pain. I cried. I frantically looked for my phone.

I found it next to me and I called Edd. "Tom where the hell are you?!" He yelled into the phone. I sobbed just happy to hear his voice. "Oh my god Tom what's wrong?" Edd asked. "Can you please just come pick me up?" I sobbed. "Yea sure send me the location and I'll be there." Edd said. "Thanks," I said hanging up.


"Holy shit Tom!" Matt said running up to me. I looked at him. I buried myself into him clinging to him sobbing. "Tom what the hell happened?!" Matt asked me. "Don't mind that we need to get him to the hospital NOW!" Edd said. Lifting up my sweatshirt to see the beating I took last night. Matt picked me up bridal style gently laying me down in the backseat of the car. I was in and out of consciousness on the way. "Tom it's gonna be ok." Was all I kept hearing. The last thing I heard before I was completely out was sirens and people yelling and I saw flashing lights.

-timeskip once again-

"Tom can you hear me?" I opened my eyes squinting to see who was talking. "Matt, Edd?" I asked. "Oh thank god you're awake!" Edd said hugging me. "Ouch!" I moved causing more pain. I hissed. "Oh I'm so sorry!" Edd said letting go. "What happened? Where are we?" I asked confused, looking around and at myself. I was in a hospital bed with a hospital gown/robe on. There was a bunch of tubes in my arms and a clippy thing on my finger. I couldn't feel anything besides slight pain in my back. "Your in the hospital, somehow you got pretty beat up and you had to get stitches in your back because it was cut open. And stitches in your head cause your head was cracked open too." I started trembling. I remembered what happened.

"I'll call a doctor." Matt said pressing the 'Help' button. A few seconds later a female doctor entered the room smiling at me seeing that I was awake. "Welcome back Thomas." She said. I flinched at that name. It sent shivers down my spine. I started sweating. "Is he gonna be ok?" Matt asked. "He will be fine." She said. She checked my heart rate and my blood levels and all that fancy stuff. She took the clippy thing off of my finger. "Can you tell me your full name?" She asked me. I gulped. My voice was Raspy. "T-Thomas Thompsan." I said. She nodded writing something down on a clip board.

"And the date and year?"

"May 12th 2019."

"Do you know why you're here?"

I nodded. "I'd prefer not to say." She nodded understanding.

She removed all the iv tubes and stuff and helped me sit up. She sat down in a chair by the laptop on the desk. "You have stitches in your back and head that, with proper care Can come out in a month and I disinfected your other scrapes cuts and bruises. Your lucky nothing broke, whatever happened to you kid, you sure took a beating and lived." She sighed. "There is one thing I am concerned about......" Edd and Matt looked at me and her scared. "Your weight and how thin you are."

I looked at my feet not making eye contact. "Thomas you need to eat more than you evidently have been, when you come back in a month if your weight hasn't increased I will be doing something about that." I nodded not making eye contact. "Ok then you're free to go, just sign out in the front and Thomas please take it easy. And go eat a burger or something." She waved us off. I leaned on Edd and Matt for support.

"Tom what the fuck happened to you?!" Edd asked concerned. I stared at the floor sitting on the couch not daring to make eye contact. Ashamed of everything, ashamed of myself. "Thomas-" "DONT FUCKING CALL ME THAT!" Before I knew it I was on my feet taking a hold of Edd by his Collar. I gritted my teeth. He looked at me scared. I realized what I was doing and I let go my gaze softening. I slumped back into the couch holding my face into my hands as I sobbed. I felt arms around me and I looked to see Matt with a sympathetic look on his face. I hugged him sobbing into him.

He rubbed my back soothingly. "Tom you gotta tell us what happened." Matt said. I pulled away nodding. Wiping the last of my tears. "I got beat...." I winced remembering each hit I took. "By who?" Edd asked. "Ely..." silence... "what..?" Edd was confused. "That 'girl' Ellie is actually a guy named Ely and h-He beat me... EVERY DAMN DAY HE BEAT ME.... I was defenseless against him... he was stronger than me, smarter than me...." I sobbed. "Oh my god..." Edd said. "Tom please tell me your not still with him?!" Matt said. I shook my head no. "I'm not but I'm still scared he's gonna come find me."

"He won't." Matt said. "Tom you seem scared and I know you don't want to talk about what went down.... I think maybe we should look into counseling options for you." Edd said. I glared at him. "Hell no. Some fucking stranger doesn't need to know my fucking pathetic life just to diagnose me with some made up fucking disease to medicate me to make money." I stood up and walked to my room slamming the door behind me.

Matt looked at Edd and Edd looked at Matt. They nodded knowing what they had to do...

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