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The morning after Y/N's sappy consultation with Gon is definitely interesting. Usually when the sun has finally decide to emerge from the mountains and the birds are already singing a harmonious tune, the day would start with Mito constantly banging a wooden spoon against a pan to wake up the kids from their own slumbers.

But today– today, there's only silence. Not entirely though, since the birds are still as chirpy as ever but the sound of metal doesn't ring in Y/N's ears and if they have to be honest, it feels like something's missing (probably because that they've already gotten used to it).

It gets weirder when Y/N finds out that they don't wake up next to a sleeping Gon and his bad morning breath that always lingers in their nose. Gon can get pretty close sometimes which usually ends up with their faces being just a few inches away from each other though Y/N doesn't get bothered by it.

Y/N grunts, scratching the back of their head before they proceed to get up from bed and head straight to the dining room, where breakfast should be at.

Instead, Y/N is greeted with an empty room.

No sign of Mito. No sign of Gon. No sign of Gon's grandma who would usually say "hello" to Y/N first and of course, no sign of Killua.

Y/N feels panic rush in their nerves.

What if they have been kidnapped? What if they decided to abandon Y/N's poor self alone in this unfamiliar town? What if a group of bandits suddenly robbed the house? What if–

Y/N stops when they hear a faint chuckle followed by an audible "Gon, be quiet!" from another room. Squinting their eyes, they walk towards the noise that leads to an old wooden door just by the end of the hallway. Looks creepy.

Y/N doesn't hesitate to open it and sees nothing but darkness. That is– until the lights switch on and there stands Gon, Mito, Gon's grandma and Killua in the middle with a cake in his hands.

And before Y/N gets to say anything, the others let out a huge yell.

"Happy birthday, Y/N!"

i promise that there'll be more romance scenes
between you and Killua later on
maybe even on the next chapter, who knows hehe
thanks for reading <3

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