Chapter 1

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Darkness, he was being chased by darkness, 

"No! Stay away!" The dragon shouted in protest as he tried to fly faster than the looming darkness, it started consuming him, eating him alive, 

"No! No!" The dragon struggled to free himself, than, an eerie voice spoke.

"It's no use, Spyro, you'll always be taken, no matter how much you struggle" Spyro was starting to free himself when he saw two black ropes tie around his hands and pull him further in.

"No! No! Noooooo!". 

"Ah!" Spyro woke with a jolt, he saw Cynder resting peacefully on his bed beside him, all curled up. 

"That same dream, everytime" Spyro thought to himself as to not wake his new mate, only a few days ago they had become fully fledged mates, ever since then he had been having the same recurring nightmare, actually, ever since Spyro and Cynder had beaten Kaos the same day they confessed their love for each other, he had been having the same nightmare. 

"I need to think, to...clear my head" Spyro silently leaped out of bed, and flew out of their newly constructed treehouse. Spyro and Cynder had been restationed by Master Eon to guard the Ruins, where the Core of Light resided, along with a few other Skylanders, Spyro and Cynder were also declared the two leaders of these Skylanders, while Eon remained at the Academy. Spyro flew down to the beach, he landed softly and looked at the waning crescent moon, accompanied by the thousands of tiny, glittering stars. 

"Why does this keep happening to me? This...nightmare, it's not natural" Spyro told himself as he looked out across the ocean water, Spyro sighed. 

"I should tell Cynder" Spyro thought to himself. 

"No! Cynder doesn't need that burden, she's got enough to deal with, being the second-in-command of the Skylanders that are stationed here and all" Spyro looked around him. 

"Maybe some flying will clear my head a little" Spyro told himself as he spread his wings and took off. 

Spyro breathed in the cold air as he flew around the island. 

"Ahh! Nothing beats a little nighttime flight" Spyro spoke as he flew through and around the island. 

"I feel much better now" Spyro stopped flying but stayed in midair while flapping his wings, he thought it would be best to return to Cynder now, and try falling asleep again. As Spyro flew back, he noticed two other Skylanders, besides himself, were awake. 

"Hmm, that's oddly suspicious" Spyro mumbled as he flew in for a closer look, he could make out the two other Skylanders that were awake, they were Flashwing, and Warnado, Spyro thought he would follow the, but then considered they could just have been unable to sleep that night, like himself, Spyro thought nothing of it and flew back to his treehouse, there he settled back down on his bed next to Cynder, and prepared to fall asleep when he heard Hex running towards them.

"Guys! We're under attack!"

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