Chapter 10

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Cynder growled fiercely at Dark Spyro, then, she finally noticed the giant dragon behind him, and Cynder gasped in shock. 

"Malefor!" Cynder exclaimed, Malefor grinned.

"Ah, Cynder, you remembered me, that warms my heart" Malefor chuckled, Cynder glared at him, "how could anyone forget the type of torture you put me through" Cynder growled, still holding Spyro in her embrace.

"Well, as you can see, I have a new 'terror of the skies' in my grasp, Dark Spyro was more competent then you ever were, 15 minutes within his rebirth, he beat Spyro into a pulp" Malefor smirked, Cynder looked down at Spyro, who stared back at her. 

"Cyn, let me help" Spyro barely stood up as Cynder helped him up. 

"Spyro, are you sure about this?" Cynder asked.

"I've never been more sure" Spyro half-heartedly joked as Cynder smiled compassionately. 

"Well, isn't this sweet?" Malefor interrupted their moment.

"A couple months without any evil to combat, and my main general and worst enemy have fallen in love! Dark Spyro! Destroy them" Malefor commanded, Spyro and Cynder looked at Spyro's evil, twisted clone.

"With pleasure..." Dark Spyro smirked as he charged the two of them, Cynder and Spyro just barely dodged this attack when Dark Spyro fired his heat-seeking flames at them.

"Oh great, these things again" Spyro groaned as he flew up in the air dodging all the shots fired at him, he noticed Cynder had countered the shots with her electricity breath. 

"Great shot, Cyn!" Spyro complimented from afar.

"Enough of this!" Dark Spyro exclaimed, he charged the unsuspecting Spyro through a window and up into the sky. 

"Spyro!" Cynder cried, she tried to follow them but was blasted down by Malefor, Cynder looked up at the huge dragon. 

"I knew you would falter, I made a mistake in stealing your egg, I should've left you for dead!" Malefor growled as Cynder got to her feet quickly.

"We'll just see about that" Cynder retorted as she flew into the air and commenced a battle with Malefor.

Spyro and Dark Spyro were still tangling in the air when Dark Spyro threw him downwards. He landed on the beach, thankful for the sand's extra cushioned feeling, he leaped back up as Dark Spyro landed.

"When will you ever see that I'm the superior Spyro" Dark Spyro face-palmed slightly. 

"I'm faster, stronger, and much more charming" at this, Spyro retorted with.

"In your dreams!" Spyro rammed into Dark Spyro with such force it knocked them both to the ground, Dark Spyro and Spyro both found their ground.

"You'll regret that" Dark Spyro growled whilest making a 'slit throat' motion with his hand.

"We'll see" Spyro chuckled as he saw Dark Spyro get more infuriated, then an idea popped up into Spyro's head. 

"His ego, if I get him mad, I get him careless, that's how I want him" Spyro nodded to himself and smiled, this was going to be fun. 

"Hey Darky, can I call you Darky?" Spyro asked, Dark Spyro got confused yet still responded. "

You may only call me Dark Spyro" his clone replied.

"Alright, cool Darky" Spyro replied, Dark Spyro became slightly irritated.

"Anyway, so Darky, how do you think Malefor's gonna feel when he sees your gonna lose?" Spyro asked.

"What? Lose? I'm Dark Spyro! I'm the superior of you in every way". 

"Well, thats debatable" Spyro smirked as he saw Dark Spyro lose more of his temper. 

"I mean, if your really my superior, then what kind of a name is Dark Spyro, anyway?" Spyro taunted him, Dark Spyro was definitely starting to get peeved, the plan was working perfectly. 

"and I mean, dude, seriously, you need a better color, just getting rid of all the color on my body isn't too creative" Spyro taunted even more, at this point, Dark Spyro couldn't take it anymore, so he charged at Spyro, only for him to grab Dark Spyro's tail and throw him away, he then walked up to him.

"When you said you were my superior in every way, that was false, I managed to outthink you" Spyro told his clone before knocking him out.

"Now that that's taken care of, I can go back to Cynder" and with that, Spyro flew back to his mate.

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