Chapter 4

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Spyro and Cynder had arrived at the beach at the perfect time, as Trigger Happy and Hex we're having a splash Fight when they arrived. 

"Hey guys! You ready!?" Trigger Happy asked. 

"You know it!" Spyro exclaimed. 

"So how do these teams work?" Cynder asked.

"Hey Hex! Come here! Let's Rock, Paper, Scissors over who gets who!" Trigger Happy said as he raised his hand. 

"Ok, should be fun" was all Hex said as they dueled it out, in the end, Trigger Happy got Spyro, while Hex got Cynder. 

"Your going down!" Spyro gave Cynder a mock expression of intimidation, to which Cynder teasingly replied with. 

"Oh it's on!" With that, the battle commenced.

the fight started out pretty simple, Spyro and Trigger happy got a few hits on the ladies, while Hex and Cynder got a few of their own, but things got interesting when Hex started cupping up water in energy orbs and throwing them at the guys. 

"Ahh!" Spyro ducked right in the nick of time. 

"Ohh, playing dirty now, are we?" Spyro asked as he fled to Trigger Happy. 

"Hey dude, can those guns hold water?" Spyro whispered. 

"Uh, yeah, why?" Trigger Happy whispered back. 

"Nevermind, could I just borrow one?" Spyro whispered. 

"Sure!" Trigger Happy tossed Spyro one of his pistols, Spyro dipped it in the water, then started blazing the ladies with water. 

"Haha! Revenge is sweet!" Spyro teased as he blasted them with water, meanwhile on the ladies side, Hex and Cynder were taking shelter from Spyro's onslaught of water. 

"What are we going to do?" Cynder asked. 

"We can't let them win!" 

"Hold on!" Hex stopped Cynder. 

"I have an idea" Hex formed a mischievous grin on her face. Spyro was still blasting them with water when they raised their arms in the air. 

"Surrender? It's okay, maybe next time" Spyro smiled as he tossed Trigger Happy his pistol right as Hex dropped a huge energy orb full of water on Spyro, soaking him. 

"How about we call it a draw?" Spyro chuckled, this, in turn, made Cynder giggle a little herself.

the beach was pretty peaceful afterwards, Spyro called Cynder to him on the shoreline. 

"Yes, Spyro?" Cynder asked. 

"Want to join me?" Spyro beckoned his hand across the water. 

"Sure" Cynder smiled, this, in turn, made Spyro smile, and they flew into the water, dragons are immune to salt water, meaning the salt wouldn't affect their eyes, they could also breath underwater. Spyro and Cynder held each other as they drifted in the water, it was a moment Spyro wanted to last enternally, then, Spyro's body convulsed, Spyro let go of Cynder as his body started having more convulsions, then everything went black, when Spyro awoke he saw he was in a very familiar place, then he saw it, the darkness. 

"No! Not again!". 

"Spyro!" Cynder exclaimed underwater, water could get in his lungs if he was unconscious, drowning him, Cynder got Spyro's body and flew out of the water, she laid him on the sand and started doing CPR on his chest. 

"Come on! Clear!" Trigger Happy and Hex went to her, the darkness, it was swallowing him whole. 

"Clear!", further and further and then. 

"Clear!", he was gone. Spyro started coughing up water as he regained his vision. 

"Ugh, my head" Spyro groaned, Cynder hugged him tightly. 

"I'm never going to let you go, ever again!" Cynder started crying. 

"Cyn, I'm fine" Spyro reassured her.

"Fine? Spyro, you almost drowned!" Cynder hugged him more tightly. 

"Spyro, I'm taking you back to our treehouse, you need to rest" Cynder insisted as she carried Spyro away from the beach. 

"But Cyn, I need to finish the interrogations-" Spyro was cut off by Cynder as they arrived at the treehouse, 

"I'll do it Spyro, you need rest" Cynder laid him on their bed and kissed him on the forehead, then flew away. 

"Why does this keep happening to me?" Spyro held up his hand, "I need answers".

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