Chapter 3

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"Skylanders!" Spyro called all the Skylanders over to them.

"I think you know why we're here" Spyro said while eying all the Skylanders. 

"I have reason to believe that one of you is working as a spy for our enemies, as we saw last night, the drow elves couldn't have discovered the location of the Ruins without help, and they weren't exactly on negotiating terms with Kaos, so, my only other guess, is that one of you, is a spy!" The Skylanders gasped at this and started talking amongst themselves, Spyro and Cynder looked at each other and nodded, and Spyro pulled out a checklist.

"Okay, first up: Gill Grunt!" Gill Grunt moved through the crowd and Spyro beckoned him to a tent, him, Spyro, and Cynder entered the tent. 

"So...Gill Grunt? Where were you on the night of the attack?" Spyro asked. 

"Well, I was in my treehouse" Gill Grunt stated. 

"and what were you doing in said treehouse?" Spyro questioned, Cynder stood beside him, eying Gill Grunt. 

"Well, you see, I wasn't able to sleep that night, and since I didn't share the treehouse with anyone, I turned on my nightlight and read a book, then, I heard the alarm sound" Gill Grunt restated once more. 

"Hmm, his story checks out" Spyro crossed Gill Grunt off his checklist. 

"Okay, Gill Grunt, your free to go" Spyro beckoned him out of the tent with his hand.

"Alright Cynder, bring in the next suspect, Whirlwind" Spyro told his mate as she went out to fetch Whirlwind. Spyro had given the interrogations a rest as he went to get some coffee, when he noticed Cynder calling his name.

"Hey Spyro!" his mate called as he flew down.

"Hey Cynder, what's up?" Spyro asked.

"Well, I was thinking of going to the beach with Hex and Trigger Happy, then I realized, no beach day is complete without my mate, do you want to join us?" Cynder asked. 

"Sorry, Cyn, but I got to get back to the interrogations soon" Spyro apologized. 

"Oh come now, Spyro, can't you give the interrogations a rest? Come on, it'll be fun!" Cynder insisted playfully. 

"Well, I suppose I could spend some time with my most beloved" Spyro smirked as he noticed Cynder was blushing a little. 

"Give me a minute, I'll fetch us some towels" Spyro told her as he flew to their treehouse, come to think of it, it had been awhile since he and Cynder had quality time together, this was going to feel relieving for him. Spyro came back with the towels, and he and Cynder went to the beach.

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