Chapter 12

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"Cyn, are you sure you want to go through with this?" Spyro asked diligently.

"Yes, Spyro, I've never been more sure" Cynder replied confidently.

"Alright then, so who does what?" Spyro asked, Cynder already knew.

"You stay here and distract Malefor, while I go get him" Cynder instructed.

"Alright, I'm trusting you Cyn, good luck, sweetie" Spyro kissed Cynder on the cheek. This, of course, made Cynder blush a little.

"Same with you honey" Cynder replied as she flew out of the throne room.

"Alrighty then, oh, hey Malefor, I see you took the time to free yourself while we were talking" Spyro greeted Malefor as he glared at Spyro.

"Now then, you oversized dragon, let's do this!"

Cynder was flying as fast as she could, the fear of Spyro's outcome made her fly faster, and further. Cynder came to the torture room, she knew exactly who she was looking for. She came across the midget and slapped him awake.

"Ugh, who dares to slap the mighty KaOS!" Kaos exclaimed as Cynder slapped him again for silence.

"Shut up, Kaos, there's no time for your stupid monologues!" Cynder fiercely replied, this made Kaos silent.

"Listen, I know you may see Malefor as an all-powerful dragon with dark magic abilities, and he is..." Cynder began. 

"...But, once he's destroyed me and Spyro, he won't have a use for you anymore, and get this" Cynder whispered into Kaos's ear.

"He'll destroy all the Skylanders", at the mention of this, Kaos jolted up and exclaimed.

"No one gets to destroy the Skylanders but me! NO ONE" then Kaos looked at Cynder.

"Very well, Skyloser, you have a deal, a temporary truce" Kaos shook Cynder's hand.

" do we get rid of him?" Kaos asked, Cynder walked up to the midget, "here's the plan."

Spyro flew from side to side, constantly dodging Malefor's dark fire.

"Ugh! Why can't you just stand still so I can kill you!" Malefor roared as he kept trying to hit Spyro.

"Because I'm Spyro, and not doing what I'm supposed to be doing is totally my thing" Spyro slyly responded as Malefor grew more infuriated with him, and while Spyro knew he could keep this up for a good long while, it was a process he couldn't sustain forever. Malefor also knew this, making it more dangerous for Spyro to try and dodge. After a while Spyro was starting to get exhausted, and was starting to run out of energy, Malefor saw this and grinned.

"What's the matter Spyro? You seem a little...tired" Spyro looked back at him.

"Me, tired? No, that's...not...right" Spyro gasped as he fell to the ground in exhaustion, Malefor stood over him.

"and now, my old nemesis, it's time to end this" Malefor raised his hand, claws showing, but before he could take the swipe, he was blasted by dark magic.

"Argh! What's the meaning of this!?" Malefor exclaimed, Spyro looked over happily to see Cynder with Kaos, Spyro smiled.

"Well whadda know, her plan worked, good job Cyn" Spyro complimented her in his thoughts. Upon seeing this betrayal from Kaos, Malefor roared in fury.

"KAOS, YOU DARE BETRAY ME!?" Kaos seemed completely oblivious to any fear because as of now, he looked determined.

"Oh no, Malefor, I'm the one who should be asking you that. You think you can just throw me out, and destroy the Skylanders? No! Only I get to destroy them, you made a big mistake bub! No one betrays the might KaOS!" Kaos exclaimed as he summoned a portal, then Malefor started being dragged in.

"What? No! NO! Not the Underworld again!" Malefor exclaimed, clearly terrified by its presence. 

"Sorry, Malfy! But the Skylands just aren't big enough for the both of us, HA-HAHAHAHAHA?" Kaos cackled as he kicked Malefor into the portal, he then closed it quickly, Cynder ran over to Spyro.

"Are you okay?" Cynder asked desperately.

"Fine, just a little tired" Spyro replied, they then looked to Kaos.

"Alright, Kaos, truce is over, your coming with us" Cynder told him, but Kaos merely turned around.

"Fool! I was never going to come quietly, now that Malefor is out of the picture I can do what I've dreamed of doing for what feels like millennia..." Spyro and Cynder looked at each other, then at Kaos.


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