Chapter 8

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Spyro searched the corridors diligently, oh, he was gonna teach Kaos a thing or two. 

"if he thinks he can get away with brutally torturing my mate, oh, then he's got another thing coming" Spyro lightly growled as he came up to a big door, Spyro creaked it slightly open to peek inside, he saw Kaos and Glumshanks, along with another, mysterious figure.

"Kaos? Hmm, I didn't expect for another hour yet, have you gotten the Dragoness to talk yet?" The figure asked.

"Well, sir, you see, I did get her to talk, but she knows as much as we do, practically nothing, Skylanders are so unreliable" Kaos scoffed. 

"Why, I oughta"  Spyro glared at the midget, then looked back at the figure. 

"Well, then we're no closer to finding Spyro, dispose of her" the figure told Kaos.

"As you wish" Kaos walked back to the door when Spyro burst in.

"Heyo, someone say my name?" Spyro smirked.

"Eh? Spyro? The Skyloser, HA, you fool, you've fallen right into our trap! HA-HAHAHAHAHA" Kaos cackled as Spyro looked in confusion.

"What are you-ARGH" Spyro screeched in pain as he was trapped by some sort of dark magic, not being produced by Kaos. 

"Ah, Spyro, long time, no see" the figure spoke.

"Well, not really, we've been meeting time and time again, or don't you remember?" Spyro came to a realization. 

"My dream", Spyro struggled to get out, but he couldn't move.

"You have something that belongs to me, Spyro, and I intend to take it from you, but first-" the figure nodded at Kaos.

"Dispose of the Dragoness".

"yes sir" Kaos replied as he and Glumshanks trekked out the door. 

"You'll always be part of the dark, Spyro" the figure spoke.

"Oh, don't tell me you don't recognize me, you remember when you sacrificed yourself to save a world (referencing the Legend of Spyro series), and then you and Cynder were blasted here, your physical appearance changed, and so did your voice (not official, my own fan-made aftermath)?" Hearing these words, Spyro at once recognized the voice, it was Malefor.

"Remember me now? Spyro?"

Cynder and Spyro had concocted almost the perfect plan, Spyro would go look for Kaos, and if Kaos returned, Cynder would play possum, then knock out Kaos, and go find her mate, it was all so perfect, and, apparently for Cynder, this plan was gonna work. She caught sight of Kaos and Glumshanks re-entering the torture room to find Cynder and dispose of her.

"Now, Glummy, help me find that Dragoness" Kaos and Glumshanks looked around, Kaos eventually saw her lying on the ground.

"There you are, don't remember cleaning your body of all the blood though, bah! Whatever, it's time to dispose of this Skyfool" Kaos said he prepared to pick up Cynder's body. At once, Cynder zapped him with her electricity breath.

"That's for torturing me, midget!" Kaos got back up, infuriated by these words.

"Wah? MIDGET! No-one calls Kaos a midget and lives to see the light of day!" Kaos exclaimed as he tried blasting her with dark magic. Cynder, however, was agile, and managed to dodge these blasts while returning fire with her electricity breath and shocking Kaos into unconsciousness.

"You want some?" Cynder challenged Glumshanks, the troll merely hid behind a pillar.

"Huh, thought so" Cynder mumbled as she flew out the torture room to find her mate, Spyro.

"Malefor! But you should be-" Spyro was cut off by the dragon. 

"-Dead? Oh yes, of course you'd think that wouldn't you? But no, I was blasted here, same way as you and Cynder, however, I landed in the underworld" Malefor explain his arrival.

"I was challenged of course, and I won, of course, and so I built a powerful army, one that will soon be powerful enough to conquer the Skylands, but then..." Spyro was still struggling.

"I heard how you and Cynder had also survived and had become Skylanders with that old fool, Eon, so, I began my plan" Spyro was grunting in pain all while listening to Malefor's story. 

"I had then heard you and Cynder had moved to the Ruins, and I figured, it was time to put my plan into action, and now..." Malefor looked back down at Spyro.

"I have you, and I shall take what I need from you" Malefor grinned manically, he clenched his fist as Spyro screeched in pain, a screech that could probably be heard all over the Ruins, Malefor grinned further at the sight of seeing his enemy in such pain, Spyro felt something leaving his body, it felt relieving yet painful. When the process had finished, Spyro dropped to the ground, he felt exceptionally weak, when he looked up, he stared in shock, there in front of him, was Dark Spyro.

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