Chapter 14

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"And thats how we'll beat Kaos!" Spyro finished explaining the plan as Cynder stared in confusion.

"Spyro are you sure this is gonna work? I mean, it sound doable, but this is Kaos we're talking about" Cynder questioned.

"Trust me, Cyn, if I wasn't sure, I wouldn't be explaining it to you" Spyro reassured his mate. "Alright then..." Cynder replied.

"Let's do it". Kaos had flown back up through the wall he was knocked out of, "oh Skylanders, come out, come out, wherever you are" he taunted them as he formed orbs filled dark magic. 

"Right here, chump!" Spyro exclaimed as he flew past him, Kaos smirked and followed the purple dragon, Spyro flew out of the building into the sky, and down towards the beach, it was there that he landed, Kaos landed close by.

"Oh Skyloser, if your goal to keep the element of surprise, then you blew it!" Kaos chuckled as Spyro turned to him.

"Well, Kaos, maybe I did fail in the stealth department, but then again..." Kaos's grin dispersed. 

"That wasn't really the idea" Spyro moved out of the way as Cynder swooped down and hit Kaos was a blast of electricity knocking Kaos to the ground, he then grabbed out a piece of paper, and recited an incantation.

"Wha? What do you think your doing!?" Kaos roared as he tried blasting them with dark magic, but nothing happened, it was only till Kaos noticed the blue orb around him that Spyro asked mockingly.

"Surprised?" Kaos tried to break the barrier, but to no avail.

"Argh! Why is it so hard to bust out of this?" Kaos asked.

"Well, Kaos, I managed to find a spell that would not only seal you shut in a prison, but also have the cell disperse your dark magic,'s completely useless" Spyro smirked as Kaos yelled in frustration.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO", Cynder then looked to Spyro lovingly.

"You know Spyro? Not a bad plan..." Spyro replied with a simple.

"Thanks, Cyn", Cynder then hugged him.

"There's no one I'd rather have as a mate" Cynder told him.

"You know, Cyn, I was about to say the same thing" Spyro responded, his amethyst eyes heavily reflecting the stars in the night sky, Cynder wanted this moment to last forever, and Spyro smiled ever so passionately, then...they kissed each other, for about 2 minutes they kissed, until they pulled back and looked at Kaos, who was fake-retching at the sight of their kiss.

"We should probably take him back to Cloudcracker Prison" Cynder told her mate.

"Yup" Spyro replied.

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