Chapter 2

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"Wait, what?" Spyro looked at Hex in confusion. 

"You heard me, we're under attack!" Hex exclaimed, this woke Cynder from her peaceful slumber.

"Huh? What's going on?" Cynder asked, still rubbing the sleepiness from her eyes. 

"Cyn, I hate to wake you, but we're under attack, we need to defend the Core" Spyro told her, as soon as those words left his mouth, Cynder was up and out like a bullet train. 

"Cyn, wait up!" Spyro flew out after her, as he landed with Cynder, he noticed the attackers were drow elves, which meant they had to be quick and fast.

"Alright team, commence operation: D9 beta" Spyro ordered, the other Skylanders looked at him in confusion, Spyro face-palmed. 

"You know, the one were we discussed how to fight drow elves, the one you nicknamed operation: elven?" As soon as Spyro said this, the other Skylanders understood at once and started fighting, Spyro flew upwards and charged, as part of the plan, Trigger Happy leaped on his back and shouted his war cry. 

"NO GOLD! NO GLORY!" Trigger happy than started laughing as he fired at the elves with his gold pistols, Cynder flew next to Spyro and the two started blasting the elves with their fire breath and electricity breath combined, taking out a good chunk of the elves, Trigger happy jumped off Spyro while Spyro gave Cynder a thumbs up. 

"Good job Cyn, now, let's finish them" Spyro told his mate as they flew in for the finishing blow, taking out the last of the elves.

"Yeah, we showed them" Food Fight cheered as Spyro and Cynder landed. 

"There's still one thing I don't understand" Cynder said to Spyro. 

"What is that, Cyn?" Spyro asked. 

"How did the drow elves find the Core, I thought the only villain who knew it's location was Kaos, but, he's still in Cloudcracker prison" Cynder explained her concerns.

"Your right, and I don't think Kaos and the drow elves were allianced with each other when we put Kaos in jail" Spyro replied, then, something clicked, there was a mole among them. 

"Skylanders, I have come to a conclusion" Spyro announced "there is a spy among us".

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