Chapter 6

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Cynder flew back anxiously, she couldn't believe it, Spyro had run off.

"Why would he do that?" Cynder thought to herself as she landed at the tent, she was about to enter when she saw more drow elves approaching them.

"Great, these guys again" Cynder rolled her eyes and was prepared to zap them, when she was knocked Warnado. 

"Urgh, What? Warnado!?" Cynder exclaimed as she got up. 

"I should've known" Cynder growled as Warnado joined the drow elves, she then saw a very familiar figure, Kaos!

Spyro flew as fast as he could when he was blasted down by magic, he looked up to see the Doom Raiders. 

"Aw come on!" Spyro exclaimed. 

"I'm tired of you, I'm tired of your whole family" Spyro growled as he blasted them with fire, Chompy mage and Pepper Jack dodged this and returned fire. Spyro, still feeling weak from passing out at the beach, was not expecting this, and, in turn, was knocked back by their blast. 

"Man, that hurt" Spyro groaned as he held his shoulder in pain. 

"Alright, let's finish this, shall we, Skyugly?" Chompy mage declared. 

"You couldn't have come up with a better name than that?" Spyro asked as he was blasted again, Spyro was knocked to the ground. As he turned around he saw the Doom Raiders standing above him, grinning as they prepared to finish him. 

"Well, if this is how I go, then at least-" Spyro stopped his thought as he saw a bolt of energy hit the Doom Raiders, knocking them back, he got up and saw that it was Master Eon himself.

Cynder had called the other Skylanders to her and they prepared to charge. 

"So, Kaos? Looks like you and the drow elve reconciled with each other" Cynder glared at Warnado. 

"Yes, Skyloser, very precise, that is what happened, and now I have all the means necessary to end you, ALL OF YOU, HA-HAHAHAHAHA" Kaos cackled. 

"Man, where is Spyro?" Cynder glanced around nervously.

"Master Eon? Your here!" Spyro exclaimed, suddenly he was feeling no pain, probably the joy was suppressing the pain. 

"Yes, Spyro, I'm here, and I'm just as glad as you are that I found you, had I not conveniently arrived at the right time..." Eon looked away. 

"Anyway, what brings you out here Spyro?" Eon asked. 

"I was on my way to the Ruins when I was intercepted by the Doom Raiders" Spyro explained the situation as Eon gave a thoughtful look. 

"Hmm, yes, well, you best be returning now, great to catch up with you, Spyro" Eon smiled as Spyro flew off. 

"See ya, Eon", and with that, Spyro returned to the Ruins.

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